The Bod Squad Lite

Friends, you and me
You brought another friend
And then there were three
We started our group
Our circle of friends
And like that circle
There is no beginning or end.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

During 2013 I have run a series of Live Interviews with Bod Squad clients.

The topics have been varied:  balance to cycling to handling unrealistic expectations to just name a few. Based on the responses after the Live Interviews, the topics are indeed areas that interest a good many people.

The topic of “Balance” however is one that I tend to fall back on time and time again, because I know that “Balance” seems to be difficult to achieve, especially when you try to do it on your own. I have tried the whole isolation strategy route as a means to get me to my goals. What I learned was it doesn’t work all that well.

Balance can be realized with ease when you share your desires with other like-minded and objective individuals, while being led by someone who has been there and done it (and lived to talk about it!).

Hi, my name is Biz and I am here to help you! I coach people helping them permanently conquer their weight loss and life-long maintenance battle.

Over my many years of coaching people on their weight control journey, I have come to realize that actually losing the weight is only 5% of the equation. The other 95% is keeping the weight off which includes control over much more than just which foods you eat. The major portion of the weight control journey equation is centered on mindsets. Getting a handle on those mindsets, thoughts, choices, and actions is the missing link to lasting weight loss success!

Most of my time coaching has been spent on a 1:1 basis helping individual clients work through these mindsets. This coaching model has tremendous benefits and has produced awesome results for my clients.

Let’s be fair though, one on one coaching has some drawbacks for certain people. The main two are time and money.

What if I told you that you could reap some of the one on one coaching benefits in a limited time frame all the while working with a busy lifestyle? AND what if I could also offer that coaching to you at a reduced rate?

It’s true! Introducing The Bod Squad Lite Program!


This program was developed to offer accountability and support to those who are unable to commit to the 1:1 coaching daily check in requirement. It is a group-coaching model featuring a coach overseeing your progress throughout the whole program, the added benefit of getting support from others like yourself, and access to a support forum at any time you need it.

You will have the tools and assistance helping you get clear about your goals, dreams, and desires concerning your body (and your mind)!

What tools will you learn from being a member of The Bod Squad Lite program?

You will learn how to:

  • make choices from a place of clarity
  • get “unstuck” from the things that drain you and dis-empower you
  • build a new foundation of self-control
  • no longer live in panic mode
  • live pro-actively instead of re-actively!
  • give food it’s proper place
  • think, live, and act like a slender person
  • develop healthier food choices
  • build strategies to resist “Frankenfoods” once and for all
  • develop healthier relationships with food

What results can you expect by applying the tools learned from being a member of The Bod Squad Lite program?

  • a new confidence in yourself
  • an ability to drop the weight
  • maintain your weight with ease
  • handle social occasions without fear
  • remain calm in the face of challenges
  • be prepared for any situation

And the best part is, with this program you will have LOTS and LOTS of fun!

What The Bod Squad Program is NOT:

  • This program is not a quick fix. You will have to take an active role applying the information found in the lessons and exercises in order to make your changes last. It is going to take hard work and dedication to achieve your goals, and most of all a commitment to yourself. This program is not a magic pill. I won’t promise you a miraculous 50 pound drop in a month’s time, or that you will be transformed into a perfect example of restraint and composure around food.
  • This program isn’t always about getting a “WOO HOO”. Although you will get that a lot from your fellow members and your coach. There is actual work that you have to do to empower yourself into the body (mind and spirit) of your dreams. However, the reward will be HUGE!

What The Bod Squad Program IS:

  • 13 Weekly eMails (3 MONTHS!): These weekly eMails will contain a plethora of information to help you with your weight control journey and beyond. They will be a mix of motivation, inspiration, tips and tricks, encouragement and support. They will also contain specific exercises to help you get clear about the body you want and the person you want to BE. The eMails will also serve as a prompt for your weekly visit to a private forum created just for you to share with other members of the program your progress for the week.
  • 3 Q&A Group Calls: Once a month I will provide a 10-15 minute content call and then open the call to any Q&A that you might have. These calls are worth their weight in gold on their own because they are filled with all kinds of information making it easier for you to get through difficult times. You will find that you are not alone and that others struggle like you do. By listening to other people share their struggles or challenges you always glean something helping you get through your own personal challenges. All the calls will be live, so it’s not a pre-packaged, pre-recorded, DIY type of program. Everyone has the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on every call. And if you can’t make it or want to re-listen, the calls will be recorded and available for download
  • Support Forum: This is where the program can really shine! You will receive full support from, and access to, others like yourself who are committed to making positive changes to their own weight control. You will have exclusive access to a Bod Squad Lite forum as a means to “mastermind” with people just like you. You can ask questions, share challenges, and clarify things with others. You can share your successes; celebrate others’ successes and feel the energy of a group of people who understand what you are doing. The forum will also serve as a place to ask questions of me in a group setting.
  • Live Online Chat Service:  Twice a week (Monday and Thursday) for one hour each day in the morning, your coach will be available for any and all questions via a live text only chat room.  Here is an opportunity to bend your coaches ear on any topic related to The Bod Squad Lite program.
  • Boot Camp: As a bonus to joining The Bod Squad Lite program, I am offering Boot Camp at NO CHARGE for the 13 week duration! BC is where you can receive daily menu tweaking, advice, and encouragement no matter the phase of your weight control journey.

I am offering all of the above for only $147 (there is a $50 discount if you know the coupon code from the last Live Interview here).

I am only accepting a limited amount of clients for this new program and the start date is January 6, 2014. So act fast if you would like to be included in this special program by using the button below. Your full three months will be January 6, 2013 through April 6, 2013 – perfect timing to receive the help and support you need for cementing your goals for 2014!

If you have any questions, please feel free to use this contact form.

Please Note!
Please be aware that this program does not concentrate on any particular phase of The hCG Protocol, nor does it matter what nutritional plan you are following. This program focuses on mindsets in relation to your nutritional goals.

Raves About The Bod Squad Lite Program

I asked the last cycle to share with me just one elegant idea they got from The Bod Squad Lite, the following is what some of them said:

I have gleaned a lot of information from your program, but one of the most significant to me was on one of the calls when you talked about being solutions-oriented about eating.  This resonated with me because I am a very solutions-oriented person in many other areas of my life and it helped me to see how making decisions about food is kind of like a puzzle to solve instead of a stressful decision to make. ~ Becky

Continuity … routine .. .getting back into healthy patterns … I needed lots of help.  The Bod Squad Lite Program got me back on my path.  I really didn’t think I would be this far back into normalcy at the end of this program, more than I had hoped for. ~ Joan

The congruency thing was big … it hit me.  It’s similar to hypocrisy … do what I say, not what I do. And it applies to so many areas. ~ Karen

The idea of congruency. ~ Marcia

Although it has taken me process time to figure out the “congruency” week … I would have to say that has been especially enlightening. One can state we want something to be a certain way and even have it as our goal. However, IF our actions or even other beliefs are not aligned, then how can we consider the goal will be achieved, when our sites and off.  The other thing was proactivity. That has been the most behavior changing to me this time. I am learning how it plays out in my life … much improvement and peace of mind when I am actually proactive. I just had to shift my perspective of what that looked like. ~ Melody

USE YOUR RESOURCES.  Take advantage of the support surrounding you in the forum.  There is no judgment if you are not staying on program, only support.  Talking with others gives you an uplift and inspiration.  Share what is going on in your life, good or bad.  You may be the inspiration someone else needs. ~ Regina

The one elegant idea that I gleaned was about celebrating your accomplishments. Even though I haven’t had much time to respond, I do read everything and do spend time thinking about what I have accomplished each day. ~ Vicki

No judgements does mean not beating ourselves up to much. ~ Lisa