Over the years my focus has been gradually changing.
It began as a goal to lose weight, and then to get healthy.
Now I realize I had it backwards.
After years of research, learning more and more about my body and how it works, and helping a myriad of clients along the way, I have discovered the key is to get healthy first and then the weight will take care of itself.
My desire to share this shift in thinking, knowledge and understanding, culminated in launching the Get Your Thin On (GYTO) website earlier this year.
GYTO is a state of mind. The tagline for the website says Turn On the Power of UnDieting.
GYTO’s mission provides education to all inquiring individuals seeking to achieve the highest quality of life by focusing on Whole Body Health. Recognizing and integrating the Mind (emotional/brain), Body (physical/flesh) and Spirit (spiritual/hormone) and how they work in conjunction as an interrelated partnership catapults us forward to achieving that goal.
Once we shift our backward thinking and change it to forward thinking toward whole body health, the weight really does take care of itself. Not only that, we become life students focused on disease prevention rather than disease management.
How do we make that shift into the UnDiet and Whole Body Health mindset?
First, we need to consider our approach to modern medicine.
America seems to be transfixed by the notion that masking medical problems (including obesity) is far better and easier than actually going deep down to the roots of the dilemma and starting the healing process from there.
I say America because that is where I reside and as such, it is my experience. Logic dictates that it is more widespread than just America.
Western Medicine relies on evidence based medicine. It focuses on symptoms. This has resulted in a health care system which depends on the patient being diagnosed with a disease or condition in order to receive treatment. While western medicine has its place in treating diseases and saving lives, it is not the only method available to us who desire a Whole Body Health approach.
All too often the only treatment method is to give a pill or to heal with steel (surgery).
Consider for a moment, even they call their own occupation a medical practice. They do indeed practice on us and they don’t have all the answers.
Don’t get me wrong. There is a place for conventional western medicine. However, fortunately, it is not our only choice.
We can consider alternative health practices. There are many doctors who practice integrative (combination of alternative and evidence based medicine), or functional medicine with individualized patient-centered care while utilizing a variety of therapeutic modalities. Both approach care from a whole body health and healing mindset.
The unfortunate part is many times it is difficult to locate physicians practicing in your area and insurances may not cover costs for these services.
So then, what can you do and where do you go in your search for optimal health?
On your part, it will require personal commitment and on GYTO’s part ~ we can be of service providing informative education and support.
Let’s get started right now.
The first and foremost jewel to share is for you to acknowledge just how important your role is in caring for your own health. It’s up to you to learn how your body works, down to the cellular level, to effect change in the body. You have the power to keep your body healthy, to fight through disease using all methods available including alternative treatments, good nutrition, recognizing and feeding your mind, body, spirit what it needs to heal and giving it assistance along the way.
The body is a magnificent piece of machinery. However, we are asking it to handle more and more than any other time in history. Our food is low quality thanks to chemicals, preservatives and processing. They are pumped with sugar and artificial sweeteners. Dairy is full of hormones. Wheat, corn and soy are genetically modified. It’s a wonder we can digest anything.
Our world has polluted air, depleted soil, and water teeming with chemicals. Add to the fact that we eat and drink from plastic containers which can leach even more chemicals into our food and drink.
And then…there is stress. Great amounts of crushing, overwhelming stress.
The sad truth is just as learning how to budget our money properly is not taught in schools, neither is teaching us how our body works and functions utilizing a whole body approach to living. Sure, we can pick up tidbits of information here and there; but when you really start to understand the mechanics of how our different body systems work with each other; how they depend on each other for optimal performance; the world of wellness is opens up to you a universe of understanding rich with one ah-ha moment after another.
GYTO is here to be that resource and support the change you seek.
Over the last year I have implemented in my life a strong team of health professionals and consultants and I want to share them and their expertise with you. They are eager to help people change their lives from the inside out.
This change begins with education.
Together we are developing a one of a kind continued learning environment and program. It will incorporate these tidbits of information into a cohesive and comprehensive source to teach about our bodies; how they function at the cellular level and what we can do to take charge in our own health and healing.
Don’t wait until you get a scary wakeup call contracting some debilitating disease when there are steps to take and relatively simple solutions to get and keep your health on track.
We are feverishly preparing for the first Monday of October launch date.
Between now and then we will be whetting your appetite with weekly articles giving you a taste of what is to come.
No matter where you are on your optimal health journey, we are here to help you learn and integrate your Whole Body Approach to Health. The time is now to develop a superior health promoting life practice.
Congratulations on your new program, Biz! I am so excited for you & for the rest of us who learn so much from having you as a part of our daily lives. I am so blessed to be working with you and cannot wait for this new journey!
Thank you Krissie! I am so blessed beyond belief to have you a part of The Bod Squad. It’s through my working with people like you that I hone my skills as a coach that enables me to help even more peeps. So the thanks go right back to you for letting me be a part of YOUR journey!
Exciting!! Love the new direction – well not so new – as you have shifted so have we.
Ebb and flow eh? Thanks so much Marcia for being willing to ride the currents with me!
This is what has pushed me over the edge to DO SOMETHING! I ordered my hCG and I am ready to start P1 when it arrives. Thank you, Biz. I cant tell you how grateful I am to you. Sherry
Can’t wait to hear about it!
VERY exciting…October? R U kidding me…u know I don’t wait well!!! I’m from the microwave world/instant NOW… all kidding aside…very excited for your formal “launch”. Do you have a Facebook for this new approach ? Would love to share it with others, then pray they read, then pray their “light bulb” gets turned on….GO BIZ.
I’m looking forward to hearing all about it too, very exciting!!!!