Topic: Journal

Essential Oils Part 1

Essential Oils Part 1

Back in December I decided to get certified in Natural Therapies using Essential Oils and Chinese Herbs.

Strike that, I have wanted to be certified for a long while, but in December I finally decided to take the plunge and get the job done.

The class was extensive, and the information provided was HUGE, quite mind boggling in fact.  It has taken me from then until early March to feel comfortable enough to share this new knowledge with my active clients.  There are a few that have been very willing to be my guinea pigs (HA!) and I have to say that […]


ONE Thing

ONE Thing

Reading a book at the moment, it’s called The ONE Thing.

I was turned on to this book by an online coaching class for business.  Finding out however, that this book is proving to be invaluable for much more than just my business.

My life for example.  ::giggle::

The concept of focusing on ONE thing is not new to me.  In fact, in my 1:1 coaching program, there is a specific day dedicated to achieving laser like focus in regards to our weight loss journey.

Often my clients get questioned from me on choosing ONE […]


2014 Word of the Year: Shift

2014 Word of the Year:  Shift

When an idea reaches critical mass there is no stopping the shift its presence will induce. ~ Marianne Williamson

I am choosing just one word (instead of a list of resolutions) to be a touchstone for the upcoming New Year. I encourage you to also follow this concept rather than choosing to follow tradition and make a list of New Years resolutions.

The concept of Word of the Year is something I learned from Christine Kane.

It has been one of the most brilliant tools I have used to turn a long list of commands, which would most likely not get done, […]
