Topic: Nutritional

Who Knew This About Zucchini?

Who Knew This About Zucchini?

I love it when my clients make me do research.


The more a client is vocal with me, asking me questions, testing my knowledge, the more we both learn.

This morning a client asked me:

Can I do zucchini with my steak (day)? We have a ton coming from our garden right now.

Believe it or not, no one has ever asked me that before!

As is my way, I started to research, and what I found out was pretty darn awesome!

When I create a correction day, I take a lot of different things into consideration.  For a steak or salmon day, there are two […]


Nutritional Support: Coconut Oil

Nutritional Support: Coconut Oil

Before I even start this article, I will say up front, this will not be an article talking about Coconut Oil on P2 – I am still on the fence, and as long as that is the case, I don’t feel right about writing something that will be permanent in cyberspace.

I know you all are dying to know, but sorry, just not ready.

This article will be discussing more about the benefits of Coconut Oil on maintenance, which includes both P3 and P4.

Coconut Oil is a saturated fat made up of medium chain fatty acids (this will be important to […]


Nutritional Support: Ginger Root

Nutritional Support: Ginger Root

I do love me some ginger.

One of the first things I did when I was on my first round was figure out a way I could make my favorite Asian dressing and still be legal on protocol.  My experiment turned out well and it became one of my staples for all my rounds.  I even made a video on how to make the dressing.  Please try not to laugh too hard ok?  My southern accent is pretty darn thick.

Here is a print out of the recipe.

I bring this […]
