Biz always tells me I have all the answers, just have never been asked the right questions.
For years, I have done my own research–whether it be for health, exercise, enlightenment, organizing, or diet. I like to do things on my own, have always considered myself to be fairly self motivated and willing to try most ideas to see if they work. As I got older, it became harder and harder to find something that did work with my body changing, work requirements, time, and stress. It seemed no matter what – anything that had worked in the past, no longer worked now. I had driven my body into a state of near exhaustion without really acknowledging it. I had always counted on my own ability to push through, find another way, and adjust.
In early 2009, during a pre-surgery physical, I learned I had very severe adrenal fatigue and not healthy enough for the surgery. This was a total shock to my system and I knew it was vital to change my ways. With a doctor’s care and my own research I made drastic changes and began the long rebuilding process. It wasn’t overnight that had put me in this state and it wouldn’t be overnight for me to heal.
I did, however, begin to make headway. There was some psychological shifting needing to take place, and a self care plan of diet, exercise, rest, supplement adjustments initiated. Although my health was gradually being restored, I seemed to hit a wall when it came to having any margin for error or life changes.
Eating anything off plan, changes in schedule, sleep issues, minor illnesses, too much exercise, traveling, etc., would quickly deplete my limited energy band.
In fall 2012, my doctor ran more tests and determined I had leaky gut and a myriad of food allergies. Many were foods I had considered healthy. Enter another diet, exercise, supplement, and medication adjustment.
In January, I turned 60. After all I had done with a doctor’s help, my own research and determination, I was still struggling. With my doctor’s approval, I decided to try an hCG round lose to some extra pounds, to detox my body, and reset the baseline. And this time realizing I needed more help and support, signed up for Boot Camp.
I had followed Biz, having signed up for her newsletters, a few years back. Boot Camp helped me through my hCG round and I became more familiar with the HTA website. I saw advertised and listened to an exceptional interview with one of Biz’s clients. I was very intrigued and I wondered if she could help me.
I had done an hCG round in 2008, been successful with the weight loss, but gained back most of the weight. With the current round’s weight already lost, one of the things I needed was help trying to figure out what allergen free foods to eat.
However, in truth, that seemed minor compared to ascertaining why I had driven myself to this place in the first place. What was I missing and what else did I need to change in order catapult me forward and then keep me from backsliding. It occurred to me at my age, if I could have done it myself, then I already would have.
Having Biz as my coach, has been everything I hoped and much, much more. We have focused on the whole person, life issues, creating balance, discovering my own self imposed road blocks, learned implementation tools, and through it all ~ had a lot of fun. When others have said she is nonjudgmental, I think it is difficult to believe until experiencing it for oneself.
Biz always tells me I have all the answers, just have never been asked the right questions. She definitely asks the right questions, reads between the lines, hones in on previously unseen behaviors and beliefs, and has helped me see clearly and like the person in the mirror.
My follow up lab testing indicated a marked improvement in most areas and a lowered sensitivity to many food items. In my enthusiasm, and not following Biz’s measured approach advice, I overdid it on adding food back. I recently completed a detox round and for the first time tapped into Biz’s expert hCG nutrition coaching.
My health has made incremental leaps forward and I attribute Biz’s 1:1 coaching a major contributor. Additionally, when the group coaching opportunity was presented, I jumped at the chance learning even more by participating, sharing, and gleaning from others.
Anyone considering coaching, I give it my highest recommendation. It was definitely one of last year’s very best decisions.
Biz starts a new cycle the first Monday of any week. You can always get more information and an application by clicking here.