Tagged: blueberries

Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

There are so many out there that have sworn off all grains … I am not part of that movement.  ::giggle::

I think there is a place for some grains, and this world has some healthy cultures for the most part, and they survive on some grains like rice and oats … so this is for those peeps that are not strictly grainless.

However, just like with anything else … there is good and there is not so much.  Whole foods are usually always good.  So that is why when I recommend oats to a client, I recommend only steel cut oats.

Steel-cut […]


Recipe: P2 Blueberry Smoothie

Recipe: P2 Blueberry Smoothie

I seriously need to write an article about how rogue I am when I coach about P2.

It would be so incredibly awesome to have some sort of disclaimer that I can just link that says “click here to understand why sometimes I go outside the box when it comes to P2”.

Then I wouldn’t have to explain every time I posted a recipe like this. ::giggle::

To be fair however, let me explain why I allow blueberries on P2.  Over the years I have worked with hundreds (dare I say thousands?) of people through the Happily Thinner After Community Forums and more […]


Recipe: Ricotta Flax Pancakes

Recipe: Ricotta Flax Pancakes

Gotta be honest, pancakes and I don’t get along so well. I am not talking about weight wise, but rather, I just really don’t like them. I have to remember however that it’s not always just about me!  ::giggle::

I went searching for a recipe that I could convert to HIGH FAT that would help those out there that miss this sort of breakfast.  This seemed to fit the bill.

I am not crazy about flax.  There is a certain texture to it that just doesn’t jive with me, and I think the next time I make this I will make it […]
