Go Back to the Beginning

startAbove all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. ~ Hardy D. Jackson

I have to laugh.

I was having a Skype conversation with a client (turned good friend, accountability buddy, kindred spirit, etc.) the other day and I was lamenting about the state of my coaching business.

Now granted, I know well and good the responsibility of that falls squarely on my shoulders, but I was having a venting session and do you know what she decided to do while I was lamenting on this or that?

She decided to coach me.


She was asking questions, and I was stammering with answers.  It finally became apparent to me that I wasn’t clear on the direction I wanted to go.

I have known for a while the climate in the hCG community has changed over the last couple of years.

Heck, not only hCG, but dieting in general.  The world is finally catching on there is more to this whole weight loss journey than just watching what you eat and exercising.

It is becoming more and more clear how a balance (mind/body/spirit) needs to be achieved in order for weight loss to stick and stay stuck.

Over my coaching career, I have prided myself in being able to keep up with the changes.  However, over the last year and a half or so, I have let life experience cloud my view and it has affected my ability to be true to myself and be everything I can be to those who have chosen to follow my writings.

I became fearful.

Ouch, that isn’t a good place to be.

Don’t know if you have experienced fear, but I know that fear paralyzes me into inaction.

I have been fearful that my words no longer have relevance.  After all, the diet communities nowadays are discussing things it takes a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to understand.

I have been fearful that I have lost my audience.  After all, I haven’t kept up with my writings and with nothing to read they move on to those who do keep writing.

I have been fearful that I have gotten older and technology has kept growing to a point I don’t know what is what in cyberspace so I can’t be as fancy and frilly and in your face like some others who are younger and more on top of the latest trends in marketing.

Through the conversation on Skype, turns out that all I have to do for my business is to be true to myself.

At least that is what my client told me.

Now, I trust this client, because before she became my friend, my kindred spirit, she hired me for a reason.  She has known me for a very long time, way back when I used to blog personally and be active on forums.  She felt that I had an authenticity that she wanted to be a part of.

Unfortunately, over the years, I started taking advice from others that went against my soul and it has proven to be not so much the greatest decisions I made.

I grew my coaching business from writing about my struggles of being in the battlefields along with you, not simply being the Commander leading you into battle.

I was told that I didn’t need to whine and complain about this or that because how would I look as a coach if I still had those challenges.

I was told to keep things professional, develop programs, get out on social media, hold group conferences, blah blah blah.

When all I really wanted to do was share my experience, strength and hope that even if today sucked, tomorrow would be better, and it usually was and this is how I got through it. And help my clients know they can do it too.

Like the quote above says, my heart wasn’t in it.  So either I put my heart back into what I believe in, or I take myself out of it.

I was encouraged by this client to go back to writing about my life.  My challenges, my successes, my fall downs, my get ups, my research, my thought processes, all of those things that made me happy to share.

That is what I am going to do.

Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride! ::giggle::

This entry was posted in Journal.

4 Comments on Go Back to the Beginning

  1. Laura says:

    Biz…it was great to get your news letter….I have wondered about you …even though my life journey has had me flat in bed for alot of this past year….BUT you were in my thoughts. Glad you are back on “your” life journey…

    • Biz Buzz says:

      Laura, I am so incredibly sorry to hear that. I wish you the best and that your journey leads you to health! I am going to find your address and drop you a line. Stay tuned!

      • Laura says:

        Thank you,Bizz…

  2. Marcia DesRosiers says:

    Love this!! Go Biz Go

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