Working one on one with Biz has been enlightening.
Before I started working one on one with Biz, I struggled with what to eat/add during my P3s. I did great during P2s, but could not maintain no matter what I did. I spent countless hours searching for information on the Internet and was very frustrated because I never deviated from the plan, but I couldn’t maintain. I also had a lifelong issue with emotional eating, that had improved greatly during my various rounds but was still lurking in the shadows. Because I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose, most people just wrote my struggles off as me being too focused on my weight. Biz never did that and while she helped me to see that maybe my goal weight of 120 (I am 5’2″) might be a little low for a 47 year old, we settled on 125 as a realistic goal.
Working one on one with Biz has been enlightening. At first, I was a bit scared of Biz ::giggle:: I thought I would be “scolded” for deviating or going against the plan. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Biz is so caring, so honest and so “human” and she never judges. She has gently guided me by telling me what she would do in certain situations but always reminds me that I am the boss of me. She has the ability to work with each person wherever they are at. She treats each person with such respect and dignity that you feel empowered to make good choices because you own them.
When I started working with Biz, almost a year ago, she focused a lot on my health issues. She realized very quickly that I had adrenal fatigue and possible thyroid issues. We started treating the adrenal fatigue with essential oils and other therapies that have made a world of difference. I had suspected thyroid issues for years but testing always came back as normal. With Biz’s guidance, I changed doctors and was armed with the information to request more testing. Biz worked within the limitations of my health insurance so I didn’t have out of pocket expenses. It turns out that I suffered from low T3 and have been on medication for about 6 months. I just finished doing two rounds using The First Step and while the weight loss was much slower, my P2 weren’t nearly as difficult as in the past and I have been able to maintain, which is HUGE! She has also introduced me to essential oils and I have a whole new world opened to me in which to treat myself and my family when we need it. I finally feel good health wise and I am not exhausted all of the time. Most important of all, Biz showed me how to listen to my body and to rest when I need to instead of powering through as I used to do.
I would wholeheartedly recommend Biz to others! Whatever issues you are working on: emotional, physical, or nutritional, Biz will get to the heart of the problem with “scary” accuracy. I swear she has a crystal ball hidden somewhere! Thank you Biz!!!!!
Bod Squad Member
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