Monthly Archives: December 2015

2016 Word of the Year: Breathe

2016 Word of the Year: Breathe


I sigh a lot.

So much so that people I have been around at different times in my life will say, what’s wrong?

I am like, um, nothing.

But you just sighed.

I did not.

Yes, you did.

Ok … so I have this thing — I sigh.  A lot.

I never really attached any meaning to it … just thinking to myself; ok, I guess I must sigh a lot.  So what.

Until I had the opportunity to go to an acupuncturist a few years ago.

While doing the preliminary intake interview, he mentioned to me, do you realize you sigh a lot.

I said, so I have been […]


5 Tips for Getting Through the Holidays

5 Tips for Getting Through the Holidays

Did you know Albert Einstein’s memory was notoriously poor?  It’s been said he wouldn’t even memorize his own phone number.

With a brain used for advancing revolutionary accomplishments in Physics, I choose to believe he was very smart about using his energy for things that mattered to him.

I do that a lot … choose not to remember some things in order to concentrate on more important things. If I don’t compartmentalize certain things, I can go furiously fast from sane to complete overwhelm in a matter of minutes.

The holiday season can do that to people … heck, it can do that […]


Word of the Year ~ 2016

Word of the Year ~ 2016

Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs. ~ Pearl Strachan Hurd

It’s that time of year when we start to think about resolutions.  What we want new and different in the coming year.

This year, instead of a list of resolutions, how about choosing a Word of the Year.

This focus word will serve as a touchstone for all the changes you want to see in the coming months.

Why the shift from resolutions? Because they don’t work.  You know why?  Because they address only one part of your life.  The DO level.

It’s the:

I will DO this thing […]


hCG Success: Tara

hCG Success: Tara

Before I worked with Biz, I was all over the place trying a different thing every day and not really being clear about what worked and what didn’t.

Working with Biz gave me direction and kept me on track. I have a tendency to be more accountable to others than to myself, so having her there provided me with that. I knew I had to be honest about what was going on with me (what’s the point in doing otherwise).

While working with Biz I learned that I was not being a friend to my body. I sometimes still have to remember […]
