Monthly Archives: April 2016

Success: Tonya

Success: Tonya

Before working one on one with Biz, I lost weight with original protocol easily, but struggled to get through the days without feeling very deprived by the end of my rounds. This always set me up for failure in P3 & P4. I didn’t have the tools or the mind set to be able to keep the weight off long term.

Biz is truly a blessing. I have learned so much from her through my daily check in. Biz has been very supportive, and always offers helpful suggestions along the way. I’m so thankful to have her by my side in […]


Success: Diane (Updated)

Success: Diane (Updated)

I’ve lost weight before….several times actually. My focus was always an upcoming wedding, or event, or some deadline date by which I felt like I needed to lose weight.  I lost weight, then would regain it quickly. I repeated that cycle over and over. This time, after a year of feeling sick and overwhelmed and stressed and very, very tired, I decided to make a big lifestyle change and instead, focus on my health.  But this time, the weight loss is secondary. I feel healthier than I ever have in my life and I’m about to turn 40 this year.

Working […]
