Working with Biz has given me the tools and insights to stay at a healthy weight permanently!
What was it like before you used Biz’s One-on-One coaching services?
I was able to lose weight and get to my goal weight with hCG, but I had a harder time keeping it off. Travel and vacations were especially an issue. I found myself doing a lot of steak days, and using more hCG rounds as a method of maintaining my weight loss. I read so much conflicting information from others in chat forums and email lists, but I just couldn’t pick out what would work for me out of all that information. Finally I realized that to get where I wanted to be, which was to be able to maintain my weight without 2-3 hCG rounds per year, I needed some individualized help.
What has it been like working one-on-one with Biz?
When I started working with Biz, I had recently completed an hCG round and was on Phase 3, ready to transition to Phase 4. I learned how to slowly and deliberately try out different foods that worked for me. Working with Biz also really helped me be patient with this process. I learned a lot about avoiding problematic ingredients too. Working together with Biz, I learned what worked really well for me; I would never have come up with this on my own – I had tried before. In addition I got introduced to a number of great menus and recipes I still use to this day. I even got to test out some recipes that Biz was trying out for a book she was writing, which was a lot of fun and some of those recipes are still favorites.
Do you have specific results from working with Biz?
I maintained my weight loss for two years without having to do another hCG round, which was exactly my goal. And, I learned how to be patient, not get discouraged by temporary fluctuations, and learned what actually works for me. Recently I did another hCG round but it wasn’t out of need, since I didn’t have significant weight to lose, I was just more curious what it would be like, ready for a little detox, and was also interested in trying out the Biz Buzz method which worked really well. I don’t anticipate doing another hCG round, unless I decide I want another detox. I am certain that working with Biz has given me the tools and insights to stay at a healthy weight permanently
Would you recommend Biz to others?
I absolutely recommend working with Biz. It’s a partnership and I truly believe anyone who really wants a permanent plan that would work for them would benefit from Biz’s coaching.
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