Biz has helped me love and accept my body.
Before committing to Biz’s 1:1 services, I simply didn’t get results. I didn’t have the discipline, accountability, motivation or knowledge that I needed to succeed. Even though I was eating clean I couldn’t lose weight to save my life! I’ve tried every diet known to man since I was 14 years old and never been this on track and really this confident about my bodies ability to heal and release the weight. I can’t thank Biz enough for that. Before Biz, Lyme disease had me convinced that I would have to live the rest of my life in an inflamed overweight state.
Biz is nothing short of amazing! I’m a believer, God worked so much in my life in 2015. In 2015 an amazing doctor came into my life and like a puzzle my body began to come together and heal. Then in July, God helped me to begin my hCG journey and in August He brought Biz into my life. I remember the exact day in August during my 1st round of P2 when I was going to “throw in the towel” and quit. I was telling myself “you can be happy being overweight, this is too hard”. That was the day I hired Biz. I sent her a payment before she even knew who I was. I knew I needed her. Her being there for me every day is why I’m still at it and over 1/2 way to my goal. I have learned so much from Biz. Not only about macros and nutrition, but to love and accept my body.
Have I had results from working with Biz? Ummm, YES!! I’ve released 56 pounds since July 20th, 2015. And I have been able to maintain my weight through a cruise and the holidays. That is huge for me!
Would I recommend Biz to anyone? Absolutely! In truth, I’ve referred at least 6 clients/friends her way and she is working with at least 4 that I know of!
Bod Squad Member
Biz starts a new cycle the first Monday of any week. You can always get more information and an application by clicking here.