Topic: Support

My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 2)

My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 2)

This article won’t make sense unless you read Part 1 first.

At the end of Part 1, things were looking pretty bleak. Almost overnight, my health had turned from pretty darn good to in the miserableness realm and it became my norm for the next three years.

Sadly, we were convinced there was nothing to be done.

Let me back up a moment, because this information is important to the story. I was to take the medication until my chest x-rays were clear. After a year, I was informed this had occurred and I could cease and desist. Another interesting note is […]


Who Knew This About Zucchini?

Who Knew This About Zucchini?

I love it when my clients make me do research.


The more a client is vocal with me, asking me questions, testing my knowledge, the more we both learn.

This morning a client asked me:

Can I do zucchini with my steak (day)? We have a ton coming from our garden right now.

Believe it or not, no one has ever asked me that before!

As is my way, I started to research, and what I found out was pretty darn awesome!

When I create a correction day, I take a lot of different things into consideration.  For a steak or salmon day, there are two […]




High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. ~ Charles F. Kettering

In the personal development world, it is a given our expectations play a significant role in the outcomes we manifest in our lives.

The Law of Expectation contends whatever you expect with confidence, whether this is positive or negative, becomes your reality.

In other words, your thoughts create the reality you live in.

When embarking on a new adventure, do you sit and contemplate what might happen or be the end result?

Imagine you are planning a trip to Disney World. Do you spend time thinking about how you’re going […]


Support: The Power of Your Intentions

Support: The Power of Your Intentions

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

We hear a lot about setting intentions to have more success in our endeavors.

What exactly is intention? And how do you set it?

Let’s look at the literal definition of the word intention: an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.

Intention begins as a desire; becomes a thought you carry with you; and a focus to affect a life change.

While you might not have even been aware of it; in truth, you have been using intentions throughout your life. Your intentions have […]


Support: Stay Dedicated to Your Dreams

Support: Stay Dedicated to Your Dreams

Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. ~ Cecil B. De Mille

Many people believed Thomas Edison to be stupid and that he had below average intelligence.

Albert Einstein failed math. Many people thought he would never be able to grasp the basics.

Abraham Lincoln lost eight elections in his political career before finally winning the presidential election.

These three well-known men changed the world because they refused to take no for an answer; even when the […]


Support: No One Person is an Island

Support: No One Person is an Island

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main. ~ By John Donne

A client once sent me this video. It’s no secret I’m fascinated by anything related to TED. However, this particular video is extremely intriguing.  It specifically talks about the social network community. It reminded me of our own Happily Thinner After (HTA) website and how it has morphed and evolved into a life of its own.

In the video, Nicholas Christakis discusses the value of social networks. He contends they are a kind of social capital. New […]


Support: Keep Swinging in 2014!

Support: Keep Swinging in 2014!

My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. ~ Hank Aaron

Throughout history, sports figures have given us a plethora of motivational quotes to keep trying, not only on the field, but off it as well.

Hank Aaron was considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Yet according to his quote above, there were times when he felt badly, was in a slump, or he had trouble off the field.

How did he fix it?  The only thing […]


Support: Coaches ACCELERATE Your Success

Support: Coaches ACCELERATE Your Success

“I know how to lose weight; in fact, I can do that part really well.  So how come I can’t keep it off?”

Almost every client coming into my life has uttered those frustrating words (or similar) during our first moments together.

It’s been my experience these women and men are pretty darn fantastic at so many arenas; however, this one area confounds them.

They are not alone.

Weight loss is a 60 billion dollar industry in the United States.  Numerous people are trying yet another weight loss diet.  The industry is chalk full of amazing promises, such as this BRAND NEW thing […]
