Essential Oils Part 4

EOvsAOAre all Essential Oils created the same?

Um, no.

There is a huge difference between that $30 three pack you can get at Bed, Bath and Beyond (made for just making things smell good) and the $100 bottle of pure Essential Oil (used to help you gain optimal health).

The next question then is this … is there a way to determine whether or not you are getting a genuine and quality product?

The answer is imperative to know as the real value to some of these Essential Oils is the need to take them internally, to allow the body to heal itself from the inside out.  That is where the rubber hits the road, you need to make sure you are getting a pure and unadulterated product, and believe me when I tell you that the stuff you get from BB&B ain’t it.


This is interesting.  The European Medical System is pretty advanced, much more so than what we have in the states.  At the same time, I would also call it old school, as their methods include protocols that have been used for thousands of years.

In both their emergency and preventative methods of care, the use of Essential Oil, herbs, and tinctures is very much alive and doing very well in hospitals and doctors’ offices across Europe.  It is common for a patient to either get a choice of using pharmaceuticals or Essential Oils, or to be prescribed both at the same time.  In European hospitals Essential Oils are critical to help keep the air healthy, make sure hands stay clean and to help patients stay calm.

You want to hear something ironic?

Most of the research that is done to help the Europeans use these Essential Oils with expertise is done right here in the US by highly respected and well known universities.  Gotta wonder why our research is good enough for the Europeans and not accepted here in the US … we will save that story for another day.  HA!

I will have to visit that story soon, as that will explain why the FDA doesn’t regulate Essential Oils.

There is an agency that does and that is called E.O.B.B.D.

More on that next time…

Question of the Day:

For any of my European readers, can you please give us a confirmation of the above information?

2 Comments on Essential Oils Part 4

  1. Absolutely Biz, I am based in Europe and the use of alternative treatments is very much an everyday here. There are homeopathic doctors in small villages and actually when I had my baby as I was not breastfeeding I was offered either conventional medicine to help take away my milk or homeopathic medicine. There are essential oils sold as remedies in every chemist they are very much a part of life here. Funny really as I had never had the expertise or knowledge to use them until starting coaching with you. The difference to my life is just tremendous. I will never treat a medical condition with conventional treatment now without trying natural first.

    • Biz Buzz says:

      Yippee! I am so happy to hear that the oils are working nicely for you.

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