There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction. ~ Winston Churchill
The world of high fat eating is only now becoming more and more acceptable after years and years of propaganda against anything with even just a trace of healthy fat.
It’s been almost 5 years since we ran the now famous (well, it’s famous in my own mind!) High Fat Experiment at HTA, and only recently do I see a ton of FAMOUS (low-carber) people willing to jump on this bandwagon.
The low carb community always knew the value of having MORE healthy fats in the diet, what they didn’t figure out until recently is the advantage of lowering protein amounts to increase the fat loss. In other words, eating a true ketogenic diet (80% plus in fats), and doing so can grant you losses that will rival The hCG Protocol.
Don’t get me wrong, I still believe that hCG is the fastest and safest way to take weight off. However, doing things the high fat way can come in a close second. I do have to add this caveat … it’s MUCH easier to recover from unplanned (or planned) indulgences while on hCG than it is on high fat, don’t know why this is yet, but I am always searching!
I get asked this question more than I care to admit: What foods are considered healthy high fat?
Glad it was asked one more time! ::giggle::
Here are my Top 9 Favorite High Fat Foods:
Avocados: How can you even start a list of high fat foods and not include avocados at the top of the list? Hass (my preferred choice) avocados are a whopping 80% fat all by themselves, and if you add mayo (2 tbsp) you bring that number quite easily up to 87%. Let’s not discount the fact that avocados are full of potassium (1000 mg per avocado) and have plenty of fiber (9 grams). Yeah for the avocado! When my store runs a special ($1 a piece), I buy 10 at a time and go on an avocado meal spree!
Butter: When I was first learning the high fat way of life and was having issues with determining the right amounts, I would be toward the end of my day and not have enough fat and just starting to find any way I could incorporate butter (don’t get grossed out as I often ate a pat of butter to bring up the fats for the day). For those of you trying to limit your intake of dairy, consider ghee instead. Most people with an allergy to dairy can tolerate ghee, and to make it even better, you can make your own! Butter is 99% fat! Do try to turn over to only grass fed butters if you can, your body will thank you.
Sour Cream: I think sour cream is a magic food. I say that because I can’t find a single thing that it doesn’t go well with. For most of my high fat dinners, sour cream is a staple, mixing either with cream cheese or mayo for a creamy base to almost anything. I also like it better than GY for some fruits like strawberries and blueberries – just sweeten it up a bit with some of your favorite sweetener, add some vanilla, and viola, lusciousness. My favorite brand is Daisy. Sour cream is 86% fat!
Coconut: Coconut oil, coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut flakes, anything that is some sort of pure coconut is going to give you a healthy dose of high fat living. For those of you on a dairy free diet, consider using coconut milk for most “milk or cream” needs, and the brand I recommend is Thai Kitchen Organic Coconut Milk. The thing about Coconut Oil however is that it’s considered therapeutic rather than dietary. Sort of like taking a fish oil tablet. The first 3.5 tbsp should not be counted into your total calories or fat for the day. Coconut can be anywhere from 80-99% fat, depending on how you use it.
Mayonnaise: I seriously don’t understand why mayo has such a bad rap. Yeah, the kind you buy from the store is mostly full of soybean oil, and we all know that isn’t good for you. However, if you have ever tried making it on your own and discover it’s too much work, let me share with you a trick … EASY PEASY Mayo Making … only works though if you have an immersion blender. Mayo is DAIRY FREE (eggs are NOT dairy!) – and I use this oil almost exclusively. This is also a great foundation for lots of salad dressings. Mayo is 98% fat. YUM! I feel bad for all those people out there that think Miracle Whip is really mayonnaise. ::giggle:: However, I do see the draw to sweet mayo, and if you are ever in a bind for something high fat quick? Mix a little mayo with your favorite sweetener and then shred some cabbage, instant coleslaw. YUM again!
Olive Oil: This goes without saying right? If you haven’t made the switch from vegetables oils to pure olive oil, it’s time you did. I totally understand that some olive oils are strong, so just experiment until you find one that works for you. My most favorite quick salad dressing is equal amounts of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, s&p to taste and about a clove of garlic minced for each 1/4 cup of dressing. Don’t skimp on this 100% healthy fat!
Dark Chocolate: This one I have to say is not in my top 9 for real. I am one of very few people on earth that chocolate doesn’t do anything for. But I think I might start a revolution unless I mentioned it in this top list. Now, I have to say there are times where I can tolerate it, and during those times, dark chocolate is the only way to go. There are dark chocolates out there that are dairy free, you just have to read the labels. Dark chocolate is usually around 85% fat.
Macadamia Nuts: YUM! What else needs to be said? They are like 88% fat, and when choosing a nut for high fat living, should be your first choice. They are excellent just on their own. However, for a real treat, use them as a crust for a mock danish, just loosely grind 1 oz of mac nuts, add a little butter and sweetener, press into the bottom of a ramekin. Put it in the oven for about 5 minutes to set, then make your mock danish on the crust, YUMMY, sort of a warm cheese cake … be careful however, this breakfast can be around 650 calories! But get this … 85% fat!
Eggs: They might not be a true high fat food, being only about 60% fat, but it’s the things you ADD to it that bring it to a great ratio! I love lots of veggies with eggs cooked in butter, then a dollop of sour cream. YUM! I saw a recipe the other day that make this omelet cake type thing and I was like DANG, why didn’t I think of that??? I am tweaking the recipe and will share in a future post.
Did I leave off your favorite high fat food? You know that I could have listed 20 right, but choose only 9 so that you, my readers, could share your favorites with me! Do that please, give me your favorite high fat food, and if you can and know it, what the fat content it?
Let’s have fun with this!
Great newsletter today…so happy you are doing them again!!
Thanks Joan, it feels good to be back in the saddle again!
So happy to see you back.
Hey sweets! I miss you. I had some awful time connecting with clients for a bit. Your address kept bouncing back to me. Your not getting my emails. Is there another email I can use? If so, drop me a line here:
I need my Mary!
Cinnamon, apple, pecan Pancake:
Slice an apple with the spiral slicer, add fresh ground cinnamon. Put in a frying pan with 1 tsp butter. In a blender, mix 2oz cream cheese with 2 eggs. Pour over apple. Add one ounce of pecans to apple “pancake” . Cook, flip and allow 2nd side to cook. Add 2 tsp butter and Enjoy!
Oh that sounds YUMMY!!! Hmmmm…
How about BPC (Bullet Proof Coffee) about 95% fat not counting MCT oil 🙂
You know, I was going to add the whole MCT Oil when I listed the coconuts … it came into my mind and then left just as quickly. ::giggle::
Full Fat Greek Yogurt for me. My preferred brand, Kontos, comes in an 11 pound tub from Restaurant Depot. It’s 20 grams of fat per 1 cup serving which is 260 calories with 12 grams protein. It’s made from cow and goat milk and is super tangy and thick.
I love mixing one cup with an egg, adding a little stevia and either dark cocoa powder or vanilla then baking it in 2 portions (I use Pampered Chef mini prep bowls). They are completely guilt free cheesecakes that I have in the fridge all the time. In fact I’ve been known to make up 8 of them for a correction day. Or sometimes I’ve added almond butter to a chocolate one for a special treat. Or put smushed blackberries on top. Yummy!!
what is the temp to bake and for how long?
I have heard some really good things about Kontos. Restaurant Depot? I had to look it up, have more than a few here in Florida, but most located down south, nothing in PanHandle, however there is one in JAX and I go there every quarter, will have to look into it!
Oh my, that sounds delish, well, everything except the cocoa…HA!
What temp do you bake it and for how long?
Great article. Although I have several allergies, including eggs and dairy; there were several excellent suggestions that will work. I have discovered the butter made from grass fed cows does not agitate my system. Kerrygold and Organic Valley (Limited Edition May through September ~ green box) are my two favorite brands. In addition, I love your Bombs of Fat recipe. I make up the recipe and then often split it in half adding cinnamon to the second half.
Thanks for the visit Melody! Yum, never thought of the cinnamon added to the bombs of fat, excellent suggestion, thanks!
I love coconut butter! iHigh in fat but with a creaminess lacking in coconut oil.
I have to be super careful about this around the house, it is addictive. Way. Almost worst than Nutella, and that is saying something. ::giggle::