Tagged: broccoli

Recipe: Broccoli Crunch

Recipe: Broccoli Crunch

I am going to start this recipe off with a warning.


That is all.  ::giggle::

But seriously.

If you are going to make these for P2, keep in mind that if you choose to eat the entire recipe, it will take up 1/3 of your allowed calories using The Biz Buzz Method (The First Step).  But oh my goodness, is it worth it!

There are two tricks with this particular recipe.

One is to make sure each and every piece is small (like the piece on the right of the picture) – the smaller they are, the more crunchy it gets, and then […]


Recipe: Broccoli Dressed Like a Potato

Recipe: Broccoli Dressed Like a Potato

Who doesn’t miss baked potatoes?  Come on, admit it.  You can, I won’t tell anyone.


But seriously, when you go to a good steakhouse and you want something that compliments it, consider this instead.  In fact, this will work with almost any type of steamed veggies.

And why wait for going out?  Make this a main course in a meal at home.  It has everything you need in a complete HIGH FAT meal.  Make yourself a small chopped raw salad on the side and you have yourself a conglomeration of different textures, tastes, and temperatures to make for a very […]
