Tagged: cilantro

Recipe: Shredded Chicken Tacos

Recipe: Shredded Chicken Tacos

My comfort foods of choice on P2 are two categories; I either want Mexican or Asian.  I finally figured out that having lots of spice in your foods make you feel satiated.  And when you are dealing with only 500 calories for the day, you gotta do what you gotta do to make the fullness last.

I don’t know what it is.  Is it the heat that causes you to drink more water so that makes you full?  Or is it just the spice alone?

Seems it’s a little of both, but leans toward the spice itself.

There is actually a study that […]


Recipe: Thai Beef Cucumber Salad

Recipe: Thai Beef Cucumber Salad

During my first couple of rounds, I followed The hCG Protocol pretty darn strictly, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t try to expand the rules a little.  HA!

Technically, cilantro is not listed in the recommend food list of Pounds and Inches.  But I knew I wanted it.  I wanted something to spice up my foods, and I missed it.

I did some extensive research about cilantro and figured that the health benefits outweighed any detrimental effects it might have had on The hCG Protocol.  Oh yeah, call it justification.

But seriously, Dr. Simeons does mention specifically that you are allowed […]
