Tagged: lettuce

Recipe: Apple Blue Cheese Salad

Recipe: Apple Blue Cheese Salad

Yeah. I am on a raw kick again. I don’t know why I fight it.

I just feel better every time I eat the bulk of my day in raw fruits and veggies. My goal right now it to eat at least a pound a day of raw food. I am not going nuts about it, but I am trying to keep it at a 60% veggie to 40% fruit ratio.

So lately, because my life seems to be all about overwhelm these days, I have started looking for recipes that have a pound of raw in the ingredients. If they don’t, […]


Recipe: P2 Taco Salad

Recipe: P2 Taco Salad

I call it a stall buster for P2.

No, not this salad per se, but this is one meal of the Stall Buster Routine.

When in a stall, this is my first line of defense. Now before I describe what the menu is for this stall buster, let me first explain what I consider a stall.  Even before that, let’s see what Dr. Simeons considers a stall:

The Plateau:

…the weight has been stationary for at least four days without any dietary error having been committed.

In my coaching, I am a little bit more liberal with my […]


Recipe: Shredded Chicken Tacos

Recipe: Shredded Chicken Tacos

My comfort foods of choice on P2 are two categories; I either want Mexican or Asian.  I finally figured out that having lots of spice in your foods make you feel satiated.  And when you are dealing with only 500 calories for the day, you gotta do what you gotta do to make the fullness last.

I don’t know what it is.  Is it the heat that causes you to drink more water so that makes you full?  Or is it just the spice alone?

Seems it’s a little of both, but leans toward the spice itself.

There is actually a study that […]
