Tagged: essential oils

Essential Oils Part 5

Essential Oils Part 5

When last I left you (Essential Oils Part 4) I was about to embark on the explanation of E.O.B.B.D. or as it is better known:

Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined

To simplify, there are basically two kinds of Essential Oils:

  • Recreational: This type of essential oil is what we normally see available in health food stores and such, it is mainly used for aromatherapy and when you purchase these oils, you are purchasing oils of unknown origin or quality.  NOT to be used internally.
  • Therapeutic:  To be classified as a therapeutic (of or relating to the healing of […]


Essential Oils Part 4

Essential Oils Part 4

Are all Essential Oils created the same?

Um, no.

There is a huge difference between that $30 three pack you can get at Bed, Bath and Beyond (made for just making things smell good) and the $100 bottle of pure Essential Oil (used to help you gain optimal health).

The next question then is this … is there a way to determine whether or not you are getting a genuine and quality product?

The answer is imperative to know as the real value to some of these Essential Oils is the need to take them internally, to allow the body to heal itself from […]


Essential Oils Part 3

Essential Oils Part 3

My apologies for the delay – right after the last post, my host performed an upgrade that went a little wonky and I haven’t wanted to post until it got all cleared up.  Looks like we are firing on all cylinders now, so off I go.

When I last left you, we were just about to discuss something called a healing crisis (through the use of essential oils).  Just for the record, this isn’t something that is just made up to help alternative practitioners explain certain symptoms when they are trying to help clients get better.  There is an actual scientific […]


Essential Oils Part 2

Essential Oils Part 2

What are Essential Oils exactly?

Most simply defined, they are the essences of plants.  If essences is too woo woo a word for you, then try the Wikipedia explanation:

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetherolea, or simply as the “oil of” the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is “essential” in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant.

They are the botanical extract of various […]
