Tagged: hcg protocol

hCG Success: Karen-Updated

hCG Success: Karen-Updated

Karen has shared her success earlier here.  This is an update.

I’ve been working with Biz with 1:1 coaching since December 2011.

I’d recently been thinking that it was time for me to head off on my own.  I’ve done this long enough and certainly I know enough to keep losing weight and/or keep my weight in check.

So there you have it.  I emailed Biz and gave her the news.  There was no pleading or begging to stay with her … just “make sure you have some sort of support and accountability in place.”  Again, I’d done […]


hCG Success: Carmen

hCG Success: Carmen

I was going to do whatever it took to make Biz my coach!

I was first introduced to hCG several years ago via my Gynecologist.  hCG worked great for me to get the weight OFF but after several rounds of being unable to stabilize, it was discouraging to say the least!

I had thought about coaching with Biz for a long time before I made the decision to enlist her help.  I decided that 2013 was my year. I was going to do whatever it took to make Biz my coach. 🙂

It was one of the best decisions that I have made […]


Support: Stalls Happen and What to Do About Them

Support: Stalls Happen and What to Do About Them

I am going to talk about stalls that happen on Phase 2 of The hCG Protocol.

Yup, stalls happen.  Nothing could be more frustrating than being on a very restrictive diet, doing everything right, and then to be at the same weight for 3 or 4 days in a row.  Bah humbug!

The first thing you need to realize is that you are not alone.  Everyone I have ever coached using The hCG Protocol for weight loss has had to deal with a stall at one point or another.  During Dr. Simeons extensive testing period, in which he penned his manuscript More

hCG Success: Sherri

hCG Success: Sherri

Having you for a coach has been like having a chef in my kitchen helping me to keep my choices clean and an angel on my shoulder praising my successes and reminding me of the bigger picture…which is all about health as much as it is about slimming down.

Having your insights and guidance at critical points (like after an over-indulgence) was exactly what I needed to keep me going. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that getting enough fat into my diet would be the problem. I am still learning this concept.

The entire time I was doing […]


Nutritional Support: Ginger Root

Nutritional Support: Ginger Root

I do love me some ginger.

One of the first things I did when I was on my first round was figure out a way I could make my favorite Asian dressing and still be legal on protocol.  My experiment turned out well and it became one of my staples for all my rounds.  I even made a video on how to make the dressing.  Please try not to laugh too hard ok?  My southern accent is pretty darn thick.

Here is a print out of the recipe.

I bring this […]


Support: Going Rogue with The hCG Protocol

Support: Going Rogue with The hCG Protocol

Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome. ~ John Kotter

When I was first introduced to this miracle that is The hCG Protocol and I started my first round, I was a purist.  I wanted to follow Dr. Simeons’ instructions to a “T”, not deviating from it in the least.

Well … I have to add a caveat … I did my first round under a clinics care so I did do some things a little differently.  HOWEVER, the food was as written in Pounds and Inches.

In […]


Support: What is a Course of Treatment on The hCG Protocol?

Support:  What is a Course of Treatment on The hCG Protocol?

Everyone has a ‘risk muscle.’ You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don’t, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day. ~ Roger Von Oech

Way back when in early 2007 there was a man that decided to try something new.  In essence, it wasn’t really “new”, but it was a new way of looking at an old thing.  He took a risk.  This man was Kevin Trudeau.  Now before you all go way off on a tangent about this guy, let me explain why I am mentioning him.

Kevin Trudeau took a […]


Support: Starches on P2 of The hCG Protocol

Support: Starches on P2 of The hCG Protocol

When I learn something new – and it happens every day – I feel a little more at home in this universe, a little more comfortable in the nest. ~ Bill Moyers

Wanna learn something new?  I always do!

The subject of starches on Phase 2 of The hCG Protocol came up in some journals this week over at Happily Thinner After*, and that is what sparked this article.

First, let’s unpack a bit what Dr. Simeons says about starches on The hCG Protocol: