Tagged: zoodles

Recipe: Pumpkin Chipotle Sauce

Recipe: Pumpkin Chipotle Sauce

Yeah, I am on a pumpkin kick, for sure.

Just shoot me already.


I am finding more and more things to make with pumpkin, so you will just have to put up with it.  Last year there was a pumpkin shortage so I definitely did not get my fill.  I am making up for lost time.

This dish is SPICY, so it’s perfect for cool fall evenings … warming the inside as well as warming the outside.

I used zoodles, but you can actually use almost anything.  Quite frankly, I made this, took one serving to take the picture, then I ate […]


Recipe: Marinara Sauce

Recipe: Marinara Sauce

Marinara Sauce on P2 is so incredibly versatile.  It is a staple when I am doing a round.  I especially like it when I make Zoodle Chicken (P2 legal and recipe coming soon).

First, what is a zoodle?  It’s a cute little name someone came up with who knows how long ago that describes making noodles out of zucchini.  Yeah, whoda thunk you could make noodles out of zucchini???

When you are on the Phase 2 portion of The hCG Protocol, you have to get creative.  And this is creative at it’s best!

I have a kitchen tool that is just perfect for […]
