Monthly Archives: August 2012

Recipe: Sashimi Phase 2 Style

Recipe: Sashimi Phase 2 Style

People sometimes get the words SASHIMI and SUSHI mixed up.

  • Sashimi:  Raw meat, most often fish.
  • Sushi:  Vinegar and sugared rice with other ingredients, usually fish, and maybe some vegetables and most often wrapped in seaweed

Way back when I did a round of Phase 2 using all raw foods, sashimi was almost a daily occurrence, and I have to say that the round was one of the best rounds I ever had on protocol.

There are those of you out there that get a little grossed out with the thought of raw fish in general, sorry for that, you […]


Support: Clean Fats on Phase 2

Support: Clean Fats on Phase 2

I speak a lot about clean fats in my coaching.  Whenever I mention it, the next question is usually, “What do you consider to be a clean fat?”

That depends.

The eBook I wrote recently (Good Food Hunting) goes into detail about the whole high-fat program that I encourage for maintenance.

But did you know “clean” fats have a place in P2 as well?  Yes, fats on P2!

Now, before you go and shake your head in disbelief, I have found in over 5 years of being associated with The hCG Protocol […]


News: Out With The Old, In With The New

News: Out With The Old, In With The New

Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying. ~ Shawshank Redemption

Ever feel like this?

Come on, you know you have.

More than a year and a half ago, I felt like this when I released the first issue of The Biz Buzz.  Whew, that seems like a lifetime ago now!

Funny thing, I feel like this again!  ::giggle::

With growth, there is always a bit of struggle (translate: PAIN) involved.  Just this past week my baby girl was complaining about her legs hurting again.  Each time she has complained about her legs hurting, means she is in line for another growth spurt.

With growth comes some […]


Recipe: Black Bean and Peach Salsa

Recipe: Black Bean and Peach Salsa

Whoever invented salsa should be crowned King of the World!  I am serious!  There are so many delectable things you can do with salsa, and my latest obsession seems to be focused on fruit salsas.  I don’t know what it is, but the combination of sweet and hot is just YUM when it comes to salsa.  This recipe is no exception.

Peaches are plentiful this time of year, but the season is coming to a close.  🙁

We have several “on the side of the road” markets up and down our main drag, and the other day one of them had peaches […]


Recipe: Beef and Cabbage Stirfry

Recipe: Beef and Cabbage Stirfry

In my experience, beef on P2 is one of the best ways to maximize losses.  It seems that with most people, choosing  beef as one meal each day helps with consistent lower numbers on the scale.  I cannot explain the phenomenon, I just have seen it happen more often then not.

Remember what Dr. Simeons says about beef in his Pounds and Inches manual under the subheading of Making Up of the Calories:

In America, therefore, low-grade veal should be used for one meal and fish (excluding all those species such as herring, mackerel, […]
