Monthly Archives: November 2013

Support: Coaches ACCELERATE Your Success

Support: Coaches ACCELERATE Your Success

“I know how to lose weight; in fact, I can do that part really well.  So how come I can’t keep it off?”

Almost every client coming into my life has uttered those frustrating words (or similar) during our first moments together.

It’s been my experience these women and men are pretty darn fantastic at so many arenas; however, this one area confounds them.

They are not alone.

Weight loss is a 60 billion dollar industry in the United States.  Numerous people are trying yet another weight loss diet.  The industry is chalk full of amazing promises, such as this BRAND NEW thing […]


hCG Success: Amy

hCG Success: Amy

On November 18, 2013, I had a Live Interview with Bod Squad Member, Amy.

It was a HOOT!

We discussed in detail about Unrealistic Expectations.

You can hear the recording here.

At the end of the recording, I announce a Pre-Sale on an upcoming release, you can see that here.

Biz starts a new cycle the first Monday of any week.  You can always get more information and an application by clicking here.


An Open Letter to My Mom

An Open Letter to My Mom

Dear Mom,

Today you turn 91.

In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would live to see the day when I was 51 and you were still here at 91.  How thankful and blessed I am to have you still here in my life.

I remember the days we used to pass notes to each other that comprised mostly of:

I love you … do you love me?
Yes or Yes
(please undercircle)

I don’t know the last time I sat down and wrote you a letter, however, something about your turning 91 raised the need to make it clear what you mean to […]


Support: Time to Restore

Support: Time to Restore

During my morning Facebook perusing, this was on my timeline*.  I love stuff that makes me think. And this was one of those things.

For those of you not wanting to make the trip over to FB, let me share what I am talking about. It was 10 things you can do to recharge.  The list was interesting, it included gems like:

  • No emailing after work hours
  • Read in the tub
  • Take a real lunch break
  • Laugh… more

The list continued comprising 10 things this person considered vital for her personal recharging.

The list is great!  However, for me, there are some I wouldn’t consider beneficial.  […]


hCG Success: Barbara

hCG Success: Barbara

Fantastic interview I had with Barbara on 10.29.13 – you can listen to it here.

We discussed:

  • Cycling:  Barbara describes her cycles (5 completed in 6 months) and how they helped her drop 40 pounds.
  • Protocol:  Working life around the protocol instead of working protocol around her life.
  • Support:  How having a coach has made a difference in her success.

I hope you get a chance to listen to the call, it was fun and informative.  Any questions, feel free to post below or you can use the contact page here.

Biz starts a new cycle the first Monday of any […]
