Yearly Archives: 2017

The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 4: Resonance

The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 4: Resonance

When you change what you resonate with, you change your life. ~ Chloe Faith Wordsworth

Isn’t this fun?  😊

In Part 1 we discussed Energy (everything is energy); Part 2 was Frequency (everything has a frequency); Part 3 was Vibration (energy movement) and Part 4 we will focus on Resonance.

What is resonance?

To be honest, this definition is challenging as it has a myriad of meanings depending on the context.  The best one I found to describe it is based on the root word resonate:  to reinforce oscillations because the natural frequency of the device is the same as the frequency of the […]


The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 3: Vibration

The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 3: Vibration

I’m picking up good vibrations. ~ The Beach Boys

I hope you now have that song stuck in your head; it might just help you get through this article.  ::giggle::

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed energy … in Part 2, frequency, and now moving on to vibration.

I am having fun with this series as it’s forcing me to really dive deep research-wise.  Over my 50 plus years on this earth, I have come to understand a few things. However, when asked to explain them, I can sometimes get a little tripped up. Through researching and writing these articles, it’s […]


The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 2: Frequency

The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 2: Frequency

Gratitude elevates your life to a higher frequency. ~ Oprah Winfrey

In Part 1 of this series we discussed energy.  In summation, the thought process was everything is energy, or energy and matter are interchangeable.

In Part 2, I will attempt an explanation of frequency and how it relates to the subject at hand.

It is my understanding when we are discussing energy we cannot do so without recognizing frequency as one of its fundamental properties.

As a caveat, let me explain the following is an understanding which has developed over time by people much more qualified than I, and as such, could probably […]


The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 1: Energy

The Mind Body Spirit Connection – Part 1: Energy

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ~ Nikola Tesla

Note: The Mind Body Spirit Connection is not something easily explained in one article.  I don’t even think a full-length novel could describe the intricacies of how these fundamentals of life react and work with each other.

And what makes it even more difficult is I am by no means an expert!  ::giggle::

My attempt will be to deliver a series of articles over the next several weeks giving us a basic understanding on what this connection is, what it does, and […]


5 Ways to Kick Off 2017 on the Right Foot

5 Ways to Kick Off 2017 on the Right Foot

A year from now you may wish you had started today. ~ Karen Lamb

At a very young age, I was taught a simple philosophy … early in the day, early in the week, early in the month, early in the year.

That philosophy became even more cemented when I read a book by one of my favorite human potential gurus, Brian Tracy … Eat That Frog.

The theme to both is very simple; start early … even if the task is something you don’t necessarily want to do.

Since we are only guaranteed this moment, we need to do everything we can now […]


Support: Overcoming Perfectionism

Support: Overcoming Perfectionism

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place. ~ Nora Roberts

Let me tell you a story about a ceramics teacher who divided her class into two groups. She gave each group a separate assignment. One group’s focus was quantity and to make 50 pots. The other group’s assignment was on quality making the perfect pot.

At the week’s end, they were to judge who had the best pot. To their surprise, the quantity focused group won. Why?

The group concentrating on […]


2017 Word of the Year: HONE

2017 Word of the Year: HONE

Focus on something that you have a passion for and hone that skill; it will make you feel confident about your ability. ~ Victoria Justice

It’s that time of year.

The time where we reflect on the old and plan for the new.

Every year, since 2009, I have chosen to dispense with resolutions/goals and instead choose a word as a touchstone through the upcoming new year.

As a bit of history, my previous words were:

  • 2010 Emerge
  • 2011 Clarity
  • 2012 Jubilee
  • 2013 Liberate
  • 2014 Shift
  • 2015 Harvest
  • 2016 Breathe
  • 2017 Hone

Each word I chose helped me stay focused on my goals.

Take Breathe for example.  Whenever I had a decision to make, […]
