Topic: Coaching

Support: Stay Awake

Support: Stay Awake

Just because you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town. ~ George Carlin

“Mom, I don’t need Ruffles. If they hurt you, don’t buy them,” said my [at the time] 11-year-old daughter, who is so much wiser than her years.

Simplicity at its finest. No excuses. No regrets. No blame. Just the truth from someone who has my back.

That short, sweet sentence launched the beginning of the end of my addiction.

There, I said it. I’m a recovering addict.

And I’m being completely serious.

Addiction therapy gurus tell us that to overcome an addiction, we first have to admit […]


Support: Create Positive Mental Health

Support: Create Positive Mental Health

When you begin the Protocol, you will spend a lot of time thinking about dieting. In fact, I bet you will think about the Protocol all day long. Some of you may even dream about it.

And that’s ok. When something is new, it’s normal to want to learn about it so you can do your best.

But, one of our goals in the program is to put your focus beyond just the weight loss. In truth, we believe that maintenance is the true goal. And to successfully reach that goal, we have found that focusing on more than dieting and food […]


Support: The Bod Squad Lite

Support: The Bod Squad Lite

Friends, you and me
You brought another friend
And then there were three
We started our group
Our circle of friends
And like that circle
There is no beginning or end.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Back on September 3, 2013 I hosted a Live Interview with a Bod Squad client, Melody.  “Balance” was the call’s focus word and by the response I have received since that time, this was a much needed topic to consider.

I know that “Balance” seems to be difficult to achieve, especially when you try to do it on your own.  I have tried the whole isolation strategy […]


Support: Recalculating

Support: Recalculating

The best we can do is size up the chances, calculate the risks involved, estimate our ability to deal with them, and then make our plans with confidence. ~ Henry Ford

Guest post by Bill Robertson

GPS Navigation systems are wonderful!  Entering your desired destination can make getting there much easier.  However, even with my GPS, sometimes I still make a wrong turn or miss an exit.  When I do, the GPS responds with one word, “Recalculating”.  Meaning we will still get there but it will take longer.  The GPS never gets angry or puts me down.  It never tells me […]


Make a Decision!

Make a Decision!

The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want. ~ Ben Stein

Have you ever made a decision that quite literally changed your life?

A while back, I had a conversation with one of my clients in regards to a decision she made that changed her life in less than 6 months. The decision was quite simple really. It was whether or not to take a call from a business coach.

That one decision was monumental, however, because it said to the Universe that she was ready to invest in herself.

It got […]


Support: In the Zone

Support: In the Zone

Techniques for getting in the zone differ a little bit depending on whether it’s a team or an individual sport. Nevertheless, there are some core techniques that everyone can use. ~ Aynsley M. Smith

The phrase “In the Zone” is often used when people talk about the skills of pro athletes who make their feats look effortless. It’s also used when people talk about weight loss that seems to happen like magic.

But, what does “being in the zone” mean exactly?

When a person is in the zone, they are in that magical space where the mind and body are in sync. It’s […]


Support: Just One of Many “Pattern Interrupt” Techniques

Support: Just One of Many “Pattern Interrupt” Techniques

Not too long ago, I wrote an article on a process called Pattern Interrupt.

This morning, I shared one of my own most used pattern interrupt techniques with one of my clients.  This particular client has more than the usual temptations to go off plan at her job because she is a delectable treat creator, and a dang good one at that.

Allow me to give you a little back story about one of my favorite pattern interrupt techniques (because that is how I am).


I was born and raised in Hawaii.  In case you didn’t know, Hawaii is […]


Support: If Only

Support: If Only

If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world. ~ Mercedes Lackey

Sad?  Not so much.

Instead, these two words stop you from moving on.

They keep you in the past instead of bettering a given situation.  They remind you of how things could be instead of how things really are.

Funny thing … I experienced that thought pattern recently.

Good thing I have done a lot of self-development work because almost immediately I figured out what it was and turned it around.

If you can imagine for a moment the sheer amount of clients, members of HTA and offline friends I […]
