Everyone has a ‘risk muscle.’ You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don’t, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day. ~ Roger Von Oech
Way back when in early 2007 there was a man that decided to try something new. In essence, it wasn’t really “new”, but it was a new way of looking at an old thing. He took a risk. This man was Kevin Trudeau. Now before you all go way off on a tangent about this guy, let me explain why I am mentioning him.
Kevin Trudeau took a risk, in fact, he has taken many risks over the years, but this one in particular brought back to life the miracle that is The hCG Protocol.
Way back when in April of 2007, he released the book The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You to Know About. In this book, he announced to the world that there was a fast, easy, natural, almost effortless way to drop weight that was designed decades ago by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons.
I don’t know how long this prize of a “diet” would have been kept under wraps had he not taken this information and distributed it world wide. I am thankful he did.
His path was substantially different than the original Pounds and Inches manuscript, which is fine, because even if different, it still worked, and worked well. Shoot, we are way different people as a whole than we were way back 50-60 years ago, so doing different is A-OK.
What is probably most remarkable, is that even though most people doing The hCG Protocol don’t follow Kevin’s way, we as a community have adopted a lot of his terms. For example, did you know that he was responsible for coining the 4 phases of The hCG Protocol. Dr. Simeons didn’t call them phases, in fact, he didn’t call them anything at all. I say the following with as much love as I can muster: Kevin came up with phases to make money.
I assume his reasoning’s were altruistic. I hope it was. But the facts may say something different. First, let’s break the phases down, according to Kevin’s book:
- Phase 1: Detox or cleansing phase
- Phase 2: VLCD (very low calorie diet)
- Phase 3: 3 weeks of no sugars/no starches
- Phase 4: Lifetime (or until the next course of treatment)
It’s interesting to note that Phase 1 includes using products that were available on his site. In his book he explains why it’s absolutely necessary to get your body into a state where the hCG Protocol could work its magic.
I don’t think that is true. I don’t see how it could hurt, but it’s not absolutely necessary. And it can add up to a big hunk of money. The kind of money I usually don’t have around. And plus? I think The hCG Protocol is a cleanse and detox all on it’s own. Don’t need all those other things, but that is my opinion.
ANYHOO, I digress, this article is about what is considered a course of treatment, which is what Dr. Simeons called it. We call it a round. Where we got that, I have no earthly idea.
Let’s go to the master, Dr. Simeons in his Pounds and Inches manuscript under Plan of a Normal Course (I editorialize in italics*):
- 125 I.U. of HCG daily (except during menstruation) until 40 injections have been given. Stopping during menstruation is a topic for another article as I don’t feel it’s necessary. Also, follow below for my thoughts on 40 days being a requirement.
- Until 3rd injection forced feeding. My thoughts on loading.
- After 3rd injection, 500 calorie diet to be continued until 72 hours after the last injection. My thoughts on the 72 hours we call Limbo.
- For the following 3 weeks, all foods allowed except starch and sugar in any form (careful with very sweet fruit).
- After 3 weeks, very gradually add starch in small quantities, always controlled by morning weighing.
*I am the first to admit that I have fiddled with The hCG Protocol, just like Kevin, but my fiddling doesn’t cost you a whole lot of money! ::giggle::
Let’s talk a little bit about this whole until 40 injections have been given thing. While it is true that this amount of time is optimal, it’s not necessary. Look at what it says here under the topic of Duration of Treatment:
“We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this expresses itself in the fact that when in these mild cases treatment is stopped as soon as the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained than after a full course of 23 injections.”
Look at that, he calls even a 26 day round a full course. So it stands to reason that you can do a SHORT course as per his instructions with NO issues.
With The Biz Buzz method (yeah, I am going to start calling it that) you can choose either a long course or a short course with no issues. In fact, my cycling theory deals with doing short courses with short breaks, and even though I have written an article about it, that article is sadly outdated and needs to be rehashed with new information.
So to answer the question that titles this article, what is a course of treatment in The hCG Protocol? I start clients making a commitment of 26 days:
- 2 days of eating normally with hCG in their system (after the first round)
- 1 day VLCD non-effective dose (definition of “non-effective” found here)
- 20 days VLCD effective doses (definition of “effective” found here)
- 3 days of limbo
Then it’s up to them whether or not to continue, choosing each and every day if they want to stop or not.
Lather, rinse, repeat. ::giggle::
Is that as clear as mud? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section.
I have been reading about this program ever since an acquaintance has lost over 90 lbs and feels and looks fabulous. I have not committed because of the concerns I have regarding side effects, increase CA cell development. I have not had breast Ca but my mother did. Is there any information or research on this and or other side effects. Thank you.
Irene, thanks for your question. When you say CA, I assume you are talking about cancer? That is a tricky situation with The hCG Protocol. In fact, cancer is tricky with any significant weight loss.
Whenever you are dealing with an estrogen fed cancer, such as breast cancer, you are dealing with a risk of increased chance of cancer worsening because of the basic physics of weight loss. Let me explain…
When we gain weight, we fill up our “fat” cells with more and more fats. Estrogen lives and stores in fat cells. So when we go on a diet, whether it’s The hCG Protocol or some other diet, and we lose weight, we are inevitably reducing the fat cells which means increased estrogen is filling your body and blood. If an estrogen fed cancer is present, theoretically, your chances of it being a risk is greatly enhanced.
It’s not just The hCG Protocol, it’s ANY diet.
The absolutely BEAUTY of The hCG Protocol is that it is a very alkaline based diet. Cancer does not like to live in an alkaline body, it loves acid. My theory (and keep in mind I am NOT a doctor or scientist or anything remotely that would say I know anything) as long as you keep true to the protocol, or stay alkaline, your chances of contracting cancer, or making it worse, are very slim.
Research? I don’t know of any studies that points directly to The hCG Protocol causing cancer, or prohibiting it.
I did have a client once that I mentioned to her the risks and she said there was more of a risk of a heart attack or stroke at her weight that out-weighed the cancer risk and she was in remission. She did her rounds and I am happy to say is still cancer free. That wasn’t MY decision, but hers.
I am sorry I can’t really answer your question. You have to make that decision on your own. Do some research on alkaline diets and the effects on cancer.
If I didn’t answer your question, please ask again.