Tagged: avocado

Recipe: Avocado Peach Salsa

Recipe: Avocado Peach Salsa

Who would have thunk that avocados and peaches would just naturally fit together to make an incredible taste?

Salsa’s a perfect accompaniment to almost any meal, however this sweet and spicy concoction goes best with fish (salmon) or chicken, and grilled preferred.  Quick, there is only a few days left of summer!

Did you know that salsa is Spanish for sauce, usually based in tomatoes.  This however doesn’t have any tomatoes to be found!  I don’t care.  HA!  It’s delish no matter what you call it.


Avocado Peach Salsa
2 servings

10 minutes prep
20 minutes start to finish

1 peach, diced
1 avocado, diced
1 jalapeño, seeded and […]


Recipe: 80% Fat Breakfast – Bacon, Eggs, Avocados and Tomatoes with Spicy Mayonnaise

Recipe: 80% Fat Breakfast – Bacon, Eggs, Avocados and Tomatoes with Spicy Mayonnaise

Been working with a few clients lately (as guinea pigs!) to test a true ketogenic diet, which is at least 80% fat.

For some out there, it’s pretty easy to get your fats up to 65-70% – it’s that extra 10-15% that leaves them scratching their head.

If there is one thing I can do, and do well, is to manipulate a menu to meet requirements, no matter what it is.

There is a buzz right now all around the internet about being in nutritional ketosis, and using that as a way to either lose weight, or for some, just simply maintain when […]


Recipe: Avocado Stuffed with Seafood

Recipe: Avocado Stuffed with Seafood

Ok, so it’s avocado season again. And when I say avocado season, I mean it’s the season where you can pick them up at the store for a dollar a piece. That is a steal of a deal for a meal!

I love avocados just as serving platters, as this recipe attests to. You can do just about anything you want with the stuffing, experiment. Yum, I love the freshness of this recipe.


Avocados Stuffed with Seafood
2 servings

15 minutes prep
30 minutes start to finish

1 4.25oz can crab meat
1 4.25oz can tiny shrimp
4 tbsp peeled and diced cucumber
1 tbsp sweet […]


Recipe: Avocado Feta Salad

Recipe: Avocado Feta Salad

Is it possible to be a avocado-holic? If so, I admit that I am powerless over avocados.


But seriously folks. What a wonderful piece of perfection an avocado is. It is my mainstay in the high fat diet. And when they are 10 for $10 at my local grocery store, well then, it’s time to fiddle with perfection!

Two qualities of avocados that I adore: high in potassium and lots of fiber!

This recipe is my mainstay on the high fat diet. I have this available whenever avocados are in season. LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe because in actuality, you can […]


Recipe: Deviled Eggs Biz Style

Recipe: Deviled Eggs Biz Style

Who doesn’t like deviled eggs?

Did you know that in the south it is almost mandatory to own some sort of deviled egg platter?

Every gathering you go to has some sort of deviled egg concoction.  These however leave all the other recipes you have in the dust.  These are quite simply put, just awesome.

Just an FYI … do you know why they are called “deviled”?

Evidently the term “deviled” first appeared around 1786 (in print) and it was used to describe a dish that was either fried or boiled and that was highly seasoned.  By the 1800’s, “deviled” evolved […]
