Tagged: maintenance

Support: The Potassium Sodium Connection

Support: The Potassium Sodium Connection

I have been getting a lot of questions lately on why I ask my clients to be aware of potassium when they are in a situation that they KNOW they are going to be ingesting quite a bit of sodium.  With that in mind, let’s look at potassium first, and then how to get potassium from the foods we eat.

Definition of potassium as it relates to the body:

Potassium is a hugely important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues and organs in the human body.  It is also an electrolyte, which means it conducts electricity […]


Support: Define Homeostasis

Support: Define Homeostasis

A simple definition of homeostasis: maintaining relatively constant internal conditions.

I needed a very simple explanation to be able to explain why 10 ounces of something like shown in this photo can result in an additional 2-3 pounds on the scale.

I know you know what I am talking about.  You take ONE bite of something and everything else that day is clean, yet you have an unexplained substantial rise on the scale.  You think to yourself, how can that happen?

I have done my best with clients that are […]
