
Support: Homeopathic hCG

Support: Homeopathic hCG

I get many questions often about Homeopathic-hCG.  My only opinion (short of only trying it twice with good results) is that I strongly recommend that you use a certified alternative medical professional when obtaining your solution.

I have asked just such a person to describe homeopathy, and to give you some information on how homeopathy works with hCG:

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed over 200 years ago and is still widely used today.  The term homeopathy is derived from the Greek words Homeo, meaning similar and Pathos, meaning suffering or disease.  Homeopathy is built on […]


hCG Success: Charann

hCG Success: Charann

Biz is an amazing source of information!

I’ve done the protocol several times.  I do fantastically in P2, but have struggled each time on P3 and P4.  Although I’m still 25 pounds less than my original weight, I’ve gained the same 10-15 pounds back over & over again.  It’s been frustrating, to say the least!  During my last P2, I realized I had 3 weddings, several birthdays, a week long family trip to Disney and Christmas in the next 6 months.  No time to be on the protocol … that left *gasp* maintenance!!  ~shudder~   I knew I needed to do something […]


hCG Success: Regina

hCG Success: Regina

[Biz is] teaching me not only about weight, but more importantly about nutrition and mental attitude.

When Biz is your personal coach, it goes so much farther than just telling you what to eat. She is your friend, one who stands ready any minute to give guidance, support, and a slap if needed. It goes beyond an impersonal business with her. Each person is an individual challenge. You aren’t a cookie-cutter procedure because she understands the needs for each individual are different, what works for one may not work for others.

I’ve never seen anyone with the knowledge she has regarding food […]


hCG Success: Robin

hCG Success: Robin

Biz has been the single instrument that has helped me keep my weight off!

Before I signed up to have Biz help me with my HCG program, I struggled with getting the results that I should have gotten.

Working with Biz has been more than just about HCG; it has been a journey of discovery about me. I looked forward to her daily emails knowing that a gem was waiting to encourage me to move forward. The success I have experienced with Biz could not have come any other way. I struggled terribly before coming to her, and after I […]


hCG Success: VG

hCG Success: VG

Thank you Coach Biz for accompanying me on this very exciting journey…

Had someone told me a few years ago that I’d find the solution to reaching my weight loss goal in my late 50’s, I wouldn’t have believed it for a moment. After a significant weight loss, I was stuck in a long-term plateau with 30 pounds to go, and had lost hope of reaching my goal. A spam ad for hCG arrived in my email box, and I was curious. Ever the skeptic, I researched for months and spent a lot of time contemplating. I read everything I could […]


hCG Success: Sam

hCG Success: Sam

I reached my goal weight, and I have been able to maintain my weight for over a year!

When I decided to try The hCG Protocol, I researched online, and found different sites with differing opinions. I found out about the Happily Thinner After site, joined up, and then signed up for Boot Camp. It was very helpful, but I began having stalls and other issues, so the Moderator called upon Biz, and that’s when things turned around for me.

I was so impressed with Biz that I chose to start working with her on a one-on-one basis. She was very helpful […]


hCG Success: Heather

hCG Success: Heather

I’ll never do a P3 again without Biz by my side!

When I first came to Biz through Boot Camp last year I was in P3, way over LDW and struggling. Every other day I was correcting. Biz worked with me to get my weight back within LDW. She also helped me step back and relax. She had the words of encouragement when I needed them. She is also the person of reason when I’m getting panicked! I’ll never do a P3 again without Biz by my side! Her methods have been the key to my success.

When I got the chance […]


hCG Success: Marlena

hCG Success: Marlena

Working with Biz has been the highlight of my hCG weight loss journey.

Struggling with a sudden weight gain and the inherent health problems it brought, over just a few years due to large stressful events in my life, I went to doctor after doctor, seeking help. I was also looking for someone who could give me one on one dietary/weight loss support, someone to check in with on a daily basis and be accountable to, and found nothing available. After much expense and frustration, one doctor finally steered me to The hCG Protocol. Soon after I stumbled upon Biz’s wonderful […]
