Monthly Archives: December 2012

Support: Support

Support: Support

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~ Henry Ford

Humans are social creatures by nature. Most of the time, we surround ourselves with people who share our belief systems and values. Support groups are a way to surround you with individuals who have goals that are similar to yours. By sharing a purpose with a group of people, you stay motivated and inspired to continue moving toward success.

Part of the support system’s value is that it offers accountability, and sometimes that is all we need to be successful. When I started my hCG story, […]


Recipe: Creamy Chicken with Cabbage and Apples

Recipe: Creamy Chicken with Cabbage and Apples

In case you haven’t noticed, this week’s recipes are about cabbage and apples. I had a plethora of both that I needed to use up.

The original of this recipe was to be made with bacon instead of chicken. I opted to try it with chicken, modifying some of the ingredients.

In retrospect, I think it would be better with the bacon, although with the chicken it was most tasty!

As I was enjoying it for lunch, something came to me … it was a memory of a scene from The Brady Bunch […]


Recipe: Chicken Mustard Coleslaw With Apple

Recipe: Chicken Mustard Coleslaw With Apple

Like I mentioned last week, I am on a pound a day of raw kick.  I know this is a stupid time of year for it, because in most places, it’s cold.

There is never any rhyme or reason for what I do, when I do it. HA!

I have been scouring my archives, and the internet to find recipes that enable me to get this in with no muss, no fuss.

This recipe calls for 2 cups of cabbage, the weight on that is about 5 oz, then for the apple, which mine was about 5 oz – so for just one […]
