Monthly Archives: February 2016

Almost Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics

Almost Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics

Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. ~ Daniel Boorstin

Just a decade ago, the words probiotics and were rare.  By now, while most have heard the words; all they really know is it has something to do with gut health.

Gut health.

Who knew digestion of food, our basic energy source, would be the prime focus in the total health world today?  More and more science is saying digestion, and in conjunction, elimination, are two of the most important body systems we can work on to achieve optimal health.

So what are probiotics and prebiotics and how can […]


Are You Running on Empty?

Are You Running on Empty?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ~ Unknown

Do you remember vehicles with a “reserve” tank? If you were running out of gas, it took a simple switch from the main tank fuel supply to the alternate or reserve tank.

With the next fill up, sometimes closing off that reserve tank was forgotten. The next time you ran out of fuel; it was all tapped out.

Running on empty is exactly what most of us have been doing to our bodies.

Total Body Health, to me, is the most prized […]


Success: Jolene

Success: Jolene

Biz has helped me love and accept my body.

Before committing to Biz’s 1:1 services, I simply didn’t get results.  I didn’t have the discipline, accountability, motivation or knowledge that I needed to succeed.  Even though I was eating clean I couldn’t lose weight to save my life!  I’ve tried every diet known to man since I was 14 years old and never been this on track and really this confident about my bodies ability to heal and release the weight. I can’t thank Biz enough for that. Before Biz, Lyme disease had me convinced that I would have to live the rest of my […]


Pounds and Inches ~ A Must Read

Pounds and Inches ~ A Must Read


Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment. ~ Zig Ziglar

How many times have you read the book “Pounds and Inches” by Dr. A.T.W Simeons?

I have seriously lost count of the number of times I’ve read through its pages.

From my first round, it was a constant daily companion, keeping it by my side and reading from it every day.

In fact, when I first got it, I read it twice in the same day – front to back.

For me, Dr. Simeons’ words were enlightening and rang true. I had finally found something […]


Success in 21 Days

Success in 21 Days

Try it free for 30 days. If you’re not completely satisfied, you get your money back! ~ Unknown

We have all heard that quote.

Have you ever wondered why companies offer this type of marketing claim and guarantee?

The reason is they are certain after trying their product, you will like it so much, want to continue using it, and thus have no choice but to buy their product.

Their logic is simple: Who in their right mind wouldn’t try something for free?

Because my belief in the hCG program is so strong, I have made similar offers to those considering it.

My reasoning: Studies show […]
