Topic: Success

hCG Success: Susan L

hCG Success: Susan L

I feel supported and also held accountable in this relationship.

I started on my HCG journey 5 years ago in April.  I found HTA [now Get Your Thin On] toward the end of my first loss of 50 pounds, and I was helped greatly by BootCamp, especially in P3.

However, I have gained and lost that last 20 pounds several time since then, and it became progressively more difficult to make myself stick to P2.  My food choices are limited, especially protein, since I only eat poultry and eggs and the repetition on P2 as I understood my options made it […]


hCG Success: Debbie S

hCG Success: Debbie S

I would like to tell you about my journey with hCG … with and without Biz.

First, without Biz … I first purchased hCG from my naturopath in 2008. I was given all the supplies I needed and a small handout with the ‘promise’ that if I followed the hCG Protocol, my body would forever change the way it handles food, but only if I used a healthy diet afterwards.

For $300, I was given that information and then no follow up.

Granted, I lost weight and was happy with the results, but then didn’t know really what a healthy diet looked like […]


hCG Success: Kitty

hCG Success: Kitty

Working with Biz has given me the tools and insights to stay at a healthy weight permanently!

What was it like before you used Biz’s One-on-One coaching services?

I was able to lose weight and get to my goal weight with hCG, but I had a harder time keeping it off. Travel and vacations were especially an issue. I found myself doing a lot of steak days, and using more hCG rounds as a method of maintaining my weight loss. I read so much conflicting information from others in chat forums and email lists, but I just couldn’t pick out what […]


hCG Success: Melody

hCG Success: Melody

Biz always tells me I have all the answers, just have never been asked the right questions.

For years, I have done my own research–whether it be for health, exercise, enlightenment, organizing, or diet. I like to do things on my own, have always considered myself to be fairly self motivated and willing to try most ideas to see if they work.  As I got older, it became harder and harder to find something that did work with my body changing, work requirements, time, and stress.  It seemed no matter what – anything that had worked in the past, no longer […]


hCG Success: Amy

hCG Success: Amy

On November 18, 2013, I had a Live Interview with Bod Squad Member, Amy.

It was a HOOT!

We discussed in detail about Unrealistic Expectations.

You can hear the recording here.

At the end of the recording, I announce a Pre-Sale on an upcoming release, you can see that here.

Biz starts a new cycle the first Monday of any week.  You can always get more information and an application by clicking here.


hCG Success: Barbara

hCG Success: Barbara

Fantastic interview I had with Barbara on 10.29.13 – you can listen to it here.

We discussed:

  • Cycling:  Barbara describes her cycles (5 completed in 6 months) and how they helped her drop 40 pounds.
  • Protocol:  Working life around the protocol instead of working protocol around her life.
  • Support:  How having a coach has made a difference in her success.

I hope you get a chance to listen to the call, it was fun and informative.  Any questions, feel free to post below or you can use the contact page here.

Biz starts a new cycle the first Monday of any […]


hCG Success: Becky

hCG Success: Becky

I can’t express enough how glad I am I made that decision.

Prior to having Biz oversee my phases, I would go about 14 days into P2 and stall out, even though I was doing pristine protocol. It seemed like I would play around with the same pound or two, never making any progress.

Had I noticed the little nuances that Biz did while working with her, my rounds would have been much more productive. Just one example was how Biz noticed that eating shrimp was counterproductive to my losses.

When I decided to work with Biz, I wasn’t sure I wanted […]


hCG Success: Diane

hCG Success: Diane

[Biz] is Superwoman to me!

I first discovered Coach Biz and the HTA forums several years ago when I first started using hCG. I lost quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time, then drifted away, stopped checking in on the forums, and the weight quickly came back with a vengeance (and more). I thought I could handle everything myself, but without direction or accountability, I was lost.

When I finally decided enough was enough, I didn’t think of going anywhere other than Coach Biz for guidance, but this time I did it right: I signed up for one […]
