Topic: Support

Support: Define Homeostasis

Support: Define Homeostasis

A simple definition of homeostasis: maintaining relatively constant internal conditions.

I needed a very simple explanation to be able to explain why 10 ounces of something like shown in this photo can result in an additional 2-3 pounds on the scale.

I know you know what I am talking about.  You take ONE bite of something and everything else that day is clean, yet you have an unexplained substantial rise on the scale.  You think to yourself, how can that happen?

I have done my best with clients that are […]


Support: Holding the Space

Support: Holding the Space

I was working with a client once and she was going through a particularly difficult time. At one point there seemed to be an apex of sorts, and I asked her to come up with an intention for her weight so that despite everything she was going through, THAT INTENTION at least would be something to strive after. After she came up with something, I told her that I would HOLD THE SPACE for her.

She came back with:

You’ve said that before, but I’m not exactly sure what you mean by it.  I must be […]


Support: Homeopathic hCG

Support: Homeopathic hCG

I get many questions often about Homeopathic-hCG.  My only opinion (short of only trying it twice with good results) is that I strongly recommend that you use a certified alternative medical professional when obtaining your solution.

I have asked just such a person to describe homeopathy, and to give you some information on how homeopathy works with hCG:

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed over 200 years ago and is still widely used today.  The term homeopathy is derived from the Greek words Homeo, meaning similar and Pathos, meaning suffering or disease.  Homeopathy is built on […]
