Topic: Support

Support: Time to Restore

Support: Time to Restore

During my morning Facebook perusing, this was on my timeline*.  I love stuff that makes me think. And this was one of those things.

For those of you not wanting to make the trip over to FB, let me share what I am talking about. It was 10 things you can do to recharge.  The list was interesting, it included gems like:

  • No emailing after work hours
  • Read in the tub
  • Take a real lunch break
  • Laugh… more

The list continued comprising 10 things this person considered vital for her personal recharging.

The list is great!  However, for me, there are some I wouldn’t consider beneficial.  […]


Support: 9 Great Tips for a Successful P3

Support: 9 Great Tips for a Successful P3

For some of you that are new to the hCG Protocol, Phase 3 scares the LIFE out of you! No need to be scared. Just like with P2, preparation is the key – these tips will help you focus on your needs to your upcoming break. Make the most of it!

Tip #1 – Remember Your Body is Different Now

Every Phase 3 is different. Just because you did very well on one break does not mean that you will do very well on a subsequent one. Just a 5 – 10% loss of total body weight will […]


Support: Self Image

Support: Self Image

Take Care of Your Body. It’s the Only Place You Have to Live. ~ Jim Rohn

In the world of weight control, self-image has come up a lot. For many, the ONLY reason to reach their goal weight is self-image.

Not us though, right? We are on a quest for health!


Low self-image or self-esteem, can negatively affect almost every part of our lives, from our most precious relationships to our jobs, and ultimately, our health. But the good news is that we can raise the level of our self-image, even if we’ve had a low self-image since we were kids.

It’s as simple […]


Support: Stay Awake

Support: Stay Awake

Just because you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town. ~ George Carlin

“Mom, I don’t need Ruffles. If they hurt you, don’t buy them,” said my [at the time] 11-year-old daughter, who is so much wiser than her years.

Simplicity at its finest. No excuses. No regrets. No blame. Just the truth from someone who has my back.

That short, sweet sentence launched the beginning of the end of my addiction.

There, I said it. I’m a recovering addict.

And I’m being completely serious.

Addiction therapy gurus tell us that to overcome an addiction, we first have to admit […]


Support: Create Positive Mental Health

Support: Create Positive Mental Health

When you begin the Protocol, you will spend a lot of time thinking about dieting. In fact, I bet you will think about the Protocol all day long. Some of you may even dream about it.

And that’s ok. When something is new, it’s normal to want to learn about it so you can do your best.

But, one of our goals in the program is to put your focus beyond just the weight loss. In truth, we believe that maintenance is the true goal. And to successfully reach that goal, we have found that focusing on more than dieting and food […]


Support: Panera’s Hidden Menu

Support: Panera’s Hidden Menu

Hidden menus are nothing new.

In the old days, if you were a regular at some diner in your town, you knew you could order things that were not on the regular menu.  We just didn’t call it hidden menus back then.  Actually, I don’t remember what we called it, we just knew.

Nowadays many chain restaurants offer hidden menus to those patrons that are in the know.

I am probably one of the few on earth that never really liked Panera Bread.  Breads are not my weakness, so going to a restaurant that specializes in breads just wasn’t my thing.  However, with […]


Support: The Bod Squad Lite

Support: The Bod Squad Lite

Friends, you and me
You brought another friend
And then there were three
We started our group
Our circle of friends
And like that circle
There is no beginning or end.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Back on September 3, 2013 I hosted a Live Interview with a Bod Squad client, Melody.  “Balance” was the call’s focus word and by the response I have received since that time, this was a much needed topic to consider.

I know that “Balance” seems to be difficult to achieve, especially when you try to do it on your own.  I have tried the whole isolation strategy […]


Support: Maintaining

Support: Maintaining

Maintaining your weight is the most important part of the protocol because it’s the part that will be there for the rest of your life.

Dr. Simeons recommends maintaining your weight during every break you take until you reach your goal. In fact, he says to stay within two pounds of our last injection weight (LIW) during breaks. This window serves as your boundary during both phase 3 of the protocol (three weeks during which we refrain from eating sugars and starches) and phase 4 (without specific dietary restrictions).

Regardless of whether you are on a break or have reached your […]
