Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment. ~ Anthony Robbins
What I like most from the quote above is — achieving goals isn’t what makes us happy; it’s who we become in the process, overcoming obstacles, navigating roadblocks in order to achieve those goals. That success elicits feelings of accomplishment bringing life changing behaviors and personal happiness as a result.
When we make long term goals and then break them into short term action steps, they become easily achievable. As each short term step is realized, we become more motivated to press on toward our long term goals.
As an example, let’s see how this might apply to weight loss. If our long term goal is to lose a hundred pounds, we know that won’t happen overnight. Even on hCG. What we can consider is what short term steps to take in order to give us the best results. More specifically, how should we plan and schedule our rounds.
When I was actively pursuing my 100 pound weight loss goal, every three months I had my own personal scheduling session — sitting down with a calendar, penciling in upcoming family obligations, holiday breaks, trips or traveling plans, etc. Then I could determine if there was a four week span (short cycle plus break) to spend on myself, giving me a chance to lose ten pounds and get healthier.
Once I committed to a time, I blocked out those weeks in permanent ink indicating my firm resolve to accomplish that particular goal.
My calendar went with me everywhere. Inevitably, I would find myself with a group of people wanting to get together socially;; an event, lunch, baby showers, or some other celebration. My calendar would indicate whether I would be on a round. If so, I could explore options such as offering a change in date, or preplanning how to best handle the event. Preparing ahead of time would keep me from being thrown a curve ball at the last minute.
I find there are two types of social occasions: ones planned far in advance (weddings, anniversaries, etc.), and ones thrown quickly together. While pursuing a long term goal, life will always happen.
The decision you have to make is which social functions are worth breaking your losing streak.
Spur-of-the-moment events don’t have to sabotage your diet. By being creative, you can bring both a P2 friendly and a pleasing-to-everyone dish. Don’t laugh, it’s happened. When I’m on P2 and an unexpected event pops up, I make TWO dishes — one for me and the other to share.
Advanced round scheduling sets the stage for proactive responses. Meaning — You are prepared for the unexpected by creating and practicing responses beforehand. For example, if a friend calls saying she is coming into town inviting you to lunch; with preplanning you have a rehearsed response “at-the-ready.”
If the lunch date falls in the middle of your round simply respond “I would love to meet. I scheduled a cleanse that week; however, would still love to get together. How about we go to … (insert a P2 friendly restaurant) … that way, I won’t mess up my cleanse.”
You will be surprised how accommodating people can be when offered suggestions.
Let’s review round scheduling steps.
- Get a small calendar to carry with you at all times (Remember those free little calendars from Hallmark? OR use your smart phone.)
- Every three months set aside thirty to sixty minutes for scheduling a round, reserving that date in your calendar. First, mark upcoming social events, family commitments and holidays. Next, determine whether a short or long round will fit. Finally, block out those weeks with permanent ink.
- Create proactive responses or alternatives solutions in case unexpected situations pop up. Consider sidetracking situations from the past. Find alternative ways to help with staying on course. Write them down or record them creating a reference.
Keep in mind your long term goal (your reason, your intention) is the end result you are seeking. Short term goals are the action steps to get you there. Long term and short term goals work together harmoniously. With each short term action step accomplished inches you closer to the result you want.
When we take time to sit down and write how we want to take care of ourselves physically, it is amazing how much smoother things go.
Being proactive, committed and prepared will make the difference.
You are the one in charge. It’s time to grab the reins and lead the way.
Wonderful newsletter this week – as usual you hit the nail on the head!