Tagged: tomatoes

Recipe: Black Bean Chili

Recipe: Black Bean Chili

Chili.  Yum.

There are all sorts of recipes for chili’s available.  It’s a long standing recipe that people have made their own for decades.

I never liked chili growing up because I never liked kidney beans.  I didn’t realize until much later in life that chili can mean almost anything!

Over the years, I tend to enjoy white chili’s more than red, however, this is one that I always come back to.  But then again, I happen to really love black beans.  ::giggle::

What is totally awesome about chili is that even though it’s not “high fat” on it’s own, you can make it […]


Recipe: Marinara Sauce

Recipe: Marinara Sauce

Marinara Sauce on P2 is so incredibly versatile.  It is a staple when I am doing a round.  I especially like it when I make Zoodle Chicken (P2 legal and recipe coming soon).

First, what is a zoodle?  It’s a cute little name someone came up with who knows how long ago that describes making noodles out of zucchini.  Yeah, whoda thunk you could make noodles out of zucchini???

When you are on the Phase 2 portion of The hCG Protocol, you have to get creative.  And this is creative at it’s best!

I have a kitchen tool that is just perfect for […]


Recipe: Cowboy Caviar

Recipe: Cowboy Caviar

You know what?  I could live on salsa, any type of salsa or dip every day for the rest of my life.  Give me some sort of dip or salsa, some raw veggies and some blue corn chips, and I am a happy camper!!!  Do you know how many dips and salsas there are in the world?  I could probably try one a day and still never touch the sheer amount of variety!  (This is just a sample!)

This one I came across simply by accident one day.  I had a can of black beans and a […]


Recipe: Salsa

Recipe: Salsa

I had no idea, but did you know that Salsa is considered the number one condiment in the United States?  According to Food Product Design magazine, as of December 2000, salsa replaced ketchup as the number one condiment in the US!

Salsa is one of those things that everybody has their own recipe as to what they think is best, however, I felt it important to provide you with a base that you can tweak on your own.

I have found the following recipe fits that requirement quite nicely.

Make sure you pay attention to the notes at the bottom of the […]
