Tagged: Whole Body Approach

Adjusting the Rudder

Adjusting the Rudder

A soul without a high aim is like a ship without a rudder. ~ Eileen Caddy

I tell my clients, quite often in fact, you are the captain, and I am simply the rudder.

What does that mean?

Let’s explore the meaning by first talking about success and failure.

During the course of our lives, we may consider ourselves one or the other.  To be honest, we may not come right out saying I am successful, or I am a failure.  However, we may consider certain parts of our lives have resulted in us feeling great joy, or maybe guilt and shame.

The difference between […]


Live Interview With Christa

Live Interview With Christa

On September 2, 2014 I conducted an interview with Bod Squad client Christa.

Anytime I do an interview with a client, I like to encapsulate the process of coaching into one word or one phrase, sort of a touch stone of my experience with them in our coach/client relationship.

With Christa, I had several, but landed on self-care.  She has been a great example of how self-care has really propelled her to get closer and closer to her goals.

On this interview, I talk a little bit about self-care, and then I allow Christa to take the helm, and […]


Mix It Up Experiment

Mix It Up Experiment

Over the last few weeks, I have been teasing my readers of The Biz Buzz of a Guinea Pig Program that I was going to start asking for people to participate in.  It’s time for me to let you know a little bit more about this experiment.

First of all, I am renaming it to The Mix It Up Experiment, and after you read this, you will understand why.

I have been receiving more than a few emails wanting to find out more; even some saying sign me up when they don’t know the first thing about it yet!  ::giggle::

I have to […]


My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 4)

My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 4)

Here are Parts 1, 2 and 3. And before you holler at me, there will be a Part 5.


When last we left off, I was ready to embark on a healing regimen and I had a strong support group in place.

Dr. Cursio’s treatment plan for me started with a water fast. You read that right; nothing but water for a number of days (usually, a day for each year of one’s life, with breaks at 30 day intervals).

The rationale was that my body had been fed toxins over a long period of time and the only way […]


My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 3)

My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 3)

I really tried to wrap it up in this part, but alas, there is too much to tell. If you would like to catch up here are Parts 1 & 2.

When my sister read my articles, she reminded me I had forgotten a crucial segment. Hence the need for Part 4! ::giggle::

Before continuing with my Pittsburgh move, let’s return to Hawaii. While living there, my body manifested another indication of internal turmoil which was I had terrible acne. Now some might say acne is common during teenage years due to hormonal changes. However, I started puberty around age […]


My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 2)

My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 2)

This article won’t make sense unless you read Part 1 first.

At the end of Part 1, things were looking pretty bleak. Almost overnight, my health had turned from pretty darn good to in the miserableness realm and it became my norm for the next three years.

Sadly, we were convinced there was nothing to be done.

Let me back up a moment, because this information is important to the story. I was to take the medication until my chest x-rays were clear. After a year, I was informed this had occurred and I could cease and desist. Another interesting note is […]


My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 1)

My Journey to the Science of Anatomy (Part 1)

anatomy: noun the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants

I had to learn early on in life if I was going to maintain health, I was going to have to become my own body’s scientist.

Permit me to tell my story.

In my early teens (13 to be exact), we didn’t have a whole lot of money. Visits to the doctor required a trip to the local state run clinic. Back then in Florida, a physical was required each year to be eligible for school registration. In preparation for 8th Grade, I made the annual trip to the local clinic […]


The Whole Body Approach to Health

The Whole Body Approach to Health

Over the years my focus has been gradually changing.

It began as a goal to lose weight, and then to get healthy.

Now I realize I had it backwards.

After years of research, learning more and more about my body and how it works, and helping a myriad of clients along the way, I have discovered the key is to get healthy first and then the weight will take care of itself.

My desire to share this shift in thinking, knowledge and understanding, culminated in launching the Get Your Thin On (GYTO) website earlier this year.

GYTO is a state of mind. The tagline […]
