Monthly Archives: September 2012

Recipe: Salmon Stuffed Avocado

Recipe: Salmon Stuffed Avocado

Too bad avocado season isn’t forever!  I don’t know about you, but avocados are a daily occurrence in my home when they are in season.  I seriously cannot find enough to do with them!

I was in the mood to find something new to do with my last avocado of the week and I wanted to use the limited items I had available in the house before next grocery trip.  When I get like (trying to find something to eat with limited items) I go to one of my favorite all time sites:

You know that website was […]


Recipe: Deviled Eggs Biz Style

Recipe: Deviled Eggs Biz Style

Who doesn’t like deviled eggs?

Did you know that in the south it is almost mandatory to own some sort of deviled egg platter?

Every gathering you go to has some sort of deviled egg concoction.  These however leave all the other recipes you have in the dust.  These are quite simply put, just awesome.

Just an FYI … do you know why they are called “deviled”?

Evidently the term “deviled” first appeared around 1786 (in print) and it was used to describe a dish that was either fried or boiled and that was highly seasoned.  By the 1800’s, “deviled” evolved […]


Look Outside the Box

Look Outside the Box

You have to stand outside the box to see how the box can be re-designed. ~ Charles Handy

I made a personal decision many moons ago that in my life, traditional western medicine was my absolute last resort in any sickness. I felt that the only thing traditional Western medical doctors were good for was putting me back together in the event of an accident.

I understood early on that traditional Western doctors focus on treating symptoms instead of addressing the underlying reason that these symptoms were being produced.  This means you can most likely go to 4 different “kinds” of […]


hCG Success: Tola

hCG Success: Tola

As of September of 2012, Tola has been a member of The Bod Squad for almost one and a half years.

Tola has made remarkable changes in her life and she has agreed to share them with you via an interview hosted by none other than little ole me!


Let Tola tell you:

  • How she dropped 80+ Pounds using The hCG Protocol
  • Her experience on changing from a Size 22 to a Size 2
  • Her ability to keep it off for more than a year
  • What tips and tricks she used to stay true to The hCG Protocol
  • Her passion and belief […]
