Recipe: P2 Tuna Slop

P2Just call me renegade.  It doesn’t bother me.

One of my clients once said to me:  RESULTS DON’T LIE

That is where I am.  Sure, I experiment, and then I have clients and Boot Camp members that are willing to experiment, and in the long run I find things that work pretty much across the board.  It’s all in the results.

This is one of those things.  One of my first clients gave it it’s name, so don’t blame me for this one.  It is something I came up with on one of my later P2’s to help me with busy days.  I make it once and it lasts me all day.  It has turned out to be a meal that is easily packed and taken with you in a small cooler.  It is more than filling and it keeps well cold.  Lunch and dinner, all in one.

You might look at the ingredients and say “you are mixing proteins and veggies” and you would be right.  However, this is way better trying to find things on the run.  It’s well within the legal limits of calories for the day (I have my clients on 500-600 calories a day for the most part) and it’s a complete meal.

Easy peasy for those days that you need easy peasy.

And it’s good.  No joke, it’s really good!


P2 Tuna Slop 500x375

P2 Tuna Slop
2 servings

10 minutes prep
15 minutes start to finish

5 oz can or pouch of water packed tuna
2 hard boiled eggs
3 oz low fat cottage cheese
1 tsp mustard
1 tbsp relish, sugar free
2 cups lettuce, shredded (around 16 romaine leaves)
2 roma tomatoes, chopped
1 small sweet onion, chopped
1 small cucumber, peeled and seeded, chopped

Combine all ingredients and stir well.

Entire Recipe:

572 Calories
15g Fat (22.8% calories from fat)
70g Protein
42g Carbohydrate; 10g Dietary Fiber
474mg Cholesterol; 1218mg Sodium; 2022mg Potassium

Per Serving:

286 Calories
7g Fat (22.8% calories from fat)
35g Protein
21g Carbohydrate; 5g Dietary Fiber
237mg Cholesterol; 609mg Sodium; 1011mg Potassium

Serving Idea: Great for cooler and on the go meals.  Especially if you are gone all day.  It makes a ton so will keep you full all day on P2.

Note:  Officially, this is three proteins: tuna, eggs and cottage cheese.  I treat the cottage cheese as the additional milk or half and half that I allow my clients.  It also has 4 veggies:  tomatoes, onions, lettuce and cucumbers.  I treat the tomatoes as the fruit for the day, and the lettuce is a free food where I come from.  ::giggle::

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8 Comments on Recipe: P2 Tuna Slop

  1. This should not be under p2. Your not suppose to have tuna,eggs cottage cheese on P2.

    • Biz says:

      Thank you for your comment Josanne.

      If you read my introduction, I do explain that it is not official protocol, but I find it works on occasion. And to be clear, eggs and cottage cheese are allowed on P2.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Kathy says:

    If you haven’t tried this yet YOU MUST. It’s rogue enough to feel sinful but healthy, scrumptious and it works on P2. It’s so good I crave it when I’m not on protocol. Thanks Biz for sharing the again.

    • Biz Buzz says:

      Kathy, thanks for such an outstanding review of this delish recipe. When I make it for P3 and beyond, I add my own homemade mayo, and you want to talk sinful, YUM!!! So great of you to stop by.

  3. becky says:

    Just made this today for first time and it was awesome! (even though it didn’t sound that great~~~lol)


    • Biz Buzz says:

      So glad you liked it! No, it’s not the best name in the world, but the taste is awesome!

  4. Sherry says:

    I really need a good recipe or two for homemade mayo. Can you help?

    • Biz Buzz says:

      This requires a immersion blender, but I follow this YouTube video, except I don’t use canola oil, instead I use a Very Light Olive Oil. Hope that helps!

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