Support: Stay Dedicated to Your Dreams

DedicatedMost of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. ~ Cecil B. De Mille

Many people believed Thomas Edison to be stupid and that he had below average intelligence.

Albert Einstein failed math. Many people thought he would never be able to grasp the basics.

Abraham Lincoln lost eight elections in his political career before finally winning the presidential election.

These three well-known men changed the world because they refused to take no for an answer; even when the trials ahead seemed impossible.

While on an hCG Protocol round, there will be times when the scale doesn’t cooperate with your wishes. First, go back to basics. Check everything. Is your scale working? Does your menu include the recommended portions and foods? Are your calories on track?  And yet, if things are still not moving; then the only thing left to do is to be and stay dedicated.

Ask yourself a few questions. How dedicated am I to reaching my goal? Am I committed to staying there once I reach it?

Dedication is defined as the giving of oneself to some purpose.

Your purpose in the Protocol is to become thin and healthy, yes?

Have you given your whole mind, body, and spirit to that purpose? Is your goal so well defined no matter what the scale says; or what other people say; or what the voice in your head may say; you are determined to reach it?

I often see people dedicated to follow the Phase 2 portion of the protocol.  Yet, during Phases 3 and 4, they quickly return to bad habits established before they started.

Your dedication must carry through all the phases; and then on to lifetime maintenance.

Dedication to your cause and purpose must never stop. Every now and then you may hit a road block, or get side tracked with an event; however, one day must never ruin your results. A string of several one days can lead you right back to where you were very quickly. Being dedicated to lifelong change allows for an occasional step back; and yet immediately step forward with course corrections getting right back in the groove.

Incorporating these helpful tips during P3 and P4 will keep our dedication strong and keep us on track into lifetime maintenance.

  1. Choose healthier (fresh, unprocessed) foods:  I wish The hCG Protocol was a magic cure. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if any weight lost during Protocol would magically stay off. In this chemically laden, genetically modified, fast-food promoted, instant gratification, pre-packaged foods world, it is no wonder; in an instant, all your hard work and weight loss success can be turned around.
  2. Keep up with data:  Many people spend more time maintaining their car than they do maintaining their bodies. They keep accurate records on upkeep; oil changes; tire rotations; etc. When it comes to their own health maintenance, some may complain; But I don’t want to be attached to a calorie counter, or a food journal the rest of my life.  Yet, those having the highest maintenance success; do exactly that. They are attentive and vigilant in learning what works and what doesn’t work for their bodies; diligently recording food intake; weight; inches; etc.
  3. Drink your water:  After Phase 2, many decrease their water intake. Our bodies, consisting of 70% water, need water.  Think of it this way – The Earth is a water planet needing its water cycle to flourish; we do, too.  Without water, our planet suffers through drought conditions; similarly, our bodies suffer from dehydration. Don’t ever do without water. Give your body what it needs every day and even more when it’s in a stressful situation; such as healing.
  4. Be proactive, not reactive:  This is a biggie and is an extension of number two — Keep up with the data. If recording your personal information becomes a habit, the outcome will be knowing when your defenses are down and planning for those times. For example, let’s say a wedding is coming up; and the most awesome thing in the world is the wedding cake. You KNOW you won’t be able to resist. Be proactive and during the week prior,  plan a few clean eating days in a row preparing yourself for the wedding cake indulgence. Then, plan a correction day for the day after. Armed with your own personal data, then proactively planning puts you in control.
  5. Stay accountableTHIS ONE IS HUGE! Many people think that once they reach a goal, they no longer need support. This belief couldn’t be further from the truth. Support becomes even MORE important when after you reach your goal. Keep a food journal, stay focused on maintenance, be diligent with about your thoughts, track your water intake, be aware of your choices. Be accountable to yourself.

Imagine where this world might be now if the men listed above had given up on their dreams. Quitting is a habit. Just like success is a habit. But if you learn dedication, and how to never give up, no matter what you are faced with, you will always be successful.

4 Comments on Support: Stay Dedicated to Your Dreams

  1. Debbie says:

    Thank you Biz…this is exactly what I needed today.

    • Deb says:

      Thanks Biz, I also needed this today! BTW the broccoli is delicious – I call it roasted broccoli! I also do this with asparagus and cauliflower. My family loves it too!

      • Biz says:

        Glad to be of service Deb!

        I want to try cauliflower next, but never thought about asparagus! YUM!

    • Biz says:

      I am glad it helped Debbie. What most people don’t realize is that I write because “I” need to hear it too! ::giggle::

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