Tagged: apple

Recipe: Creamy Chicken with Cabbage and Apples

Recipe: Creamy Chicken with Cabbage and Apples

In case you haven’t noticed, this week’s recipes are about cabbage and apples. I had a plethora of both that I needed to use up.

The original of this recipe was to be made with bacon instead of chicken. I opted to try it with chicken, modifying some of the ingredients.

In retrospect, I think it would be better with the bacon, although with the chicken it was most tasty!

As I was enjoying it for lunch, something came to me … it was a memory of a scene from The Brady Bunch […]


Recipe: Apple Blue Cheese Salad

Recipe: Apple Blue Cheese Salad

Yeah. I am on a raw kick again. I don’t know why I fight it.

I just feel better every time I eat the bulk of my day in raw fruits and veggies. My goal right now it to eat at least a pound a day of raw food. I am not going nuts about it, but I am trying to keep it at a 60% veggie to 40% fruit ratio.

So lately, because my life seems to be all about overwhelm these days, I have started looking for recipes that have a pound of raw in the ingredients. If they don’t, […]


Recipe: Apple Chicken Slaw

Recipe: Apple Chicken Slaw

One thing I hear over and over again while I coach is this:

I need easy to make ahead meal ideas for P2.

Biz to the rescue!

This is one of those recipes that you can make the night before and it stays well for a day or more.  It’s an all in one meal so travels very well.  It takes only 5-10 minutes to prepare so you don’t have that excuse that something takes too long to make so I had to stop at a drive thru to eat.


Top it off?  It’s tasty!

And one more thing?  At my local Winn-Dixie […]


Recipe: Apple and Cottage Cheese Delight

Recipe: Apple and Cottage Cheese Delight

Yum to cottage cheese!

It wasn’t until my 4th round that I actually tried cottage cheese for P2.  Sure, I read like everyone else that cottage cheese was allowed, however, I never ever thought it would be satiating enough to feel like a real meal.  I mean, come on, we are only allowed 500 calories in a day and why would I want to waste it on such a small amount of food?

What I didn’t realize until I tried it is that it’s more satiating than you can imagine.

Dr. Simeons recommends using non-fat cottage cheese, […]


Recipe: Fruity Curry Chicken Salad

Recipe: Fruity Curry Chicken Salad

This is one of my favorite “go-to” recipes.  I usually will always have the ingredients in this recipe on hand and when I can’t find anything else to make, this is an easy choice.

It’s also great as a “to-go” recipe as it travels well in a small cooler.  And if you add it on a bed of lettuce, it can become a complete meal full of protein (bodily fuel for cell and tissue maintenance), fats (for satiation and brain health) and carbs (for energy) without a lot of muss or fuss.

Whoever came up with the idea that curry and […]
