Tagged: hcg diet

Beef & Faux-Tato Soup

Beef & Faux-Tato Soup

Brrrr, it’s cold outside!

A lot of the country is surrounded by cold … and what is better than to warm yourself up from the inside out?

When you are on P2, the body tends to react to cold a little bit differently than when you are eating normal maintenance.  Most seem to stay cold, so warm foods are just the ticket.

I know my favorite go to soups/stews are those with beef and tomatoes.  They just seem to create a hearty and satiating meal that warms me up inside.  This soup adds radishes to act like a potato … and if you […]


Chicken Taco Salad

Chicken Taco Salad

This recipe is for P2, or if you are on the Mix It Up Experiment, it can be for Stage 1 or 3 (add sour cream) … it’s a variation of the recipe for Taco Salad.

Salads are one of my mainstays while on P2 … they are so portable … don’t need any heating up, and you can make it ahead of time (night before) and throw it in a cooler when you are ready to go.

I have gotten into the habit lately of chopping a lot of salad veggies and […]


Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Quinoa is a pretty nifty whole food.

Technically speaking, quinoa is not a grain, although it looks, acts, tastes, feels, and behaves like one.  So if you are on a grain free diet … quinoa can find it’s way to your palate.

Quinoa is the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant … and by the way, those leaves are edible.

Its frequently called a grain because it is used and cooked like one, and is often called an Ancient Grain and a Wholegrain. These terms can make it confusing, but trust me, it is not a grain. It is a gluten free […]


Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

The one who asks questions doesn’t lose his way. ~ African Proverb

More than likely, you grew up thinking if you do the right things (went on a diet), you would have what you desired (a body weighing 120 pounds) and you would be the person you dreamed you’d become: (healthy, thin, happy, fun, loving, self-confident, empowered, etc).

Unfortunately, it is not a simple equation of do equals desired result. You are living proof that doing the so called right things don’t always lead to the coveted prize. Most of us work from a do-have-be mindset described in the first paragraph and […]


Crispy Roasted Chickpeas

Crispy Roasted Chickpeas

It wasn’t too long ago that I first realized that chickpeas were the same as garbanzos.  Don’t laugh!

Ok, go ahead and laugh … I did when I smacked myself on my head with a big DUH.

I grew up calling them garbanzo beans.  And my Mom was (still is) a BEAN FIEND.  This woman likes any and all beans, in any shape, style, form, recipe, whatever … if it has beans, she will eat it.

Now tell me how this woman has stayed close to 100 pounds all her life?  Why couldn’t I have inherited THOSE genes?  I digress.

Fortunately, my cravings never go […]


2015 Word of the Year: Harvest

2015 Word of the Year:  Harvest

We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest. ~ Orison Swett Marden

I don’t know about you, but for me, December usually means one thing … reflection.

It’s the time of year I tend to spend reviewing any progress I have made during the year starting with intentions I made way back in January.

I use the month to check in with myself.  Am I still heading toward my ultimate purpose, or do I need to adjust my rudder getting myself back on course.

For the past several years, I […]


Cranberry Salsa

Cranberry Salsa

Cranberries … they are usually only associated with holidays.  Sad really, because they are slightly divine.  Especially raw and not adulterated with all sorts of unknown sugars and processing that you find in a can of cranberry sauce.  ::giggle::

Here are some fun cranberry facts:

  • The cranberry is one of only a handful of major fruits native to North America.
  • Native Americans used cranberries to make a survival cake known as pemmican. They also used the fruit in poultices and dyes.
  • American recipes containing cranberries date from the early 18th Century.
  • During World War II, American troops required about one million pounds of dehydrated cranberries […]


Be the Captain of Your Own Ship

Be the Captain of Your Own Ship

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. ~ William G.T. Shedd

Sometimes it is wise to go with the flow.

The crux is it depends on which direction the flow is going.

While there are numerous examples of going with the flow, let’s consider the one involving our weight control journey. If we are going with the typical American diet flow, we are on our way to becoming obese, living a sedentary life, and then dying of either heart disease, cancer, diabetes or some sort of obesity associated illness.

Ask yourself if this is the result you are […]
