Tagged: hcg diet

Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

There are so many out there that have sworn off all grains … I am not part of that movement.  ::giggle::

I think there is a place for some grains, and this world has some healthy cultures for the most part, and they survive on some grains like rice and oats … so this is for those peeps that are not strictly grainless.

However, just like with anything else … there is good and there is not so much.  Whole foods are usually always good.  So that is why when I recommend oats to a client, I recommend only steel cut oats.

Steel-cut […]


Roasted Cabbage Steaks

Roasted Cabbage Steaks

Roasted veggies … yum.

What is it about roasted veggies that make them so delectable?  Everyone probably already has their favorite way to roast veggies, so why bring another recipe into the mix?

Well, we have a niche here with the hCG Protocol.  Most people consider the diet to be boring, and I am here to tell you that this just isn’t true.  There is so much you can do to kick food up several notches so that P2 can be exciting and delicious.  Far from boring.

Roasting your veggies is a great way to bring out the sweet that is trapped inside […]


Baked Apple Crisp

Baked Apple Crisp

I have self control around desserts.  It’s a blessing, I know.  It helps that I don’t bake much, baking has never been my thing.  However there are some things that are sweet that I do tend to devour, and anything with baked apples is one of those things.  ::giggle::

When you are on P2, sometimes you need something that feels decadent … this is one of those things.  Let’s add that it’s gluten-free as well, so there is another plus.  And this isn’t one of those really good for gluten free things, it’s really good!

During the cold winter months, who doesn’t […]


The Beginner’s Mind

The Beginner’s Mind

Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. ~ Matthew 18:3 (MSG)

Bear with me … you will understand the reference as you read.

I find it fascinating so much of what I read, whether it is about nutrition, business, or self-improvement, all centers around some pretty basic concepts. In other words, there is nothing new under the sun.

Awhile back I read a book entitled It’s Not About the Money by Brent Kessel. In this book, the author proclaims for there to be lasting change in one’s financial situation, there has to be a […]


Asian Apple Chicken Salad

Asian Apple Chicken Salad

Ok, before you say anything, when you look at the picture, please forgive the fact that I forgot to add the apples before I took the picture.  Let’s just say when I realized it, it was too late, so I just ate the apple on the side.


But on the serious side, this salad is super easy, and it’s good warm or cold.  And it’s one of those things you can make ahead of time.  What I do is make a bunch of my Asian dressing, and marinate chicken and beef in 3.5-4 ounce serving sizes with 1 tbsp of my […]


Salmon in a Blanket

Salmon in a Blanket

Eating on Phase 2 of the hCG Protocol doesn’t have to be boring.

If you are already familiar with The First Step, you will know that with the added nuances, you can get pretty creative.

For example, the adding of salmon as a protein choice opens up windows of opportunity to have a meal that doesn’t feel like you are following P2!  Just look at how appetizing this meal looks, and to think you are still well under 300 calories for a complete meal!

The possibilities are endless with this recipe.  The choices of veggies are entirely up […]




High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. ~ Charles F. Kettering

In the personal development world, it is a given our expectations play a significant role in the outcomes we manifest in our lives.

The Law of Expectation contends whatever you expect with confidence, whether this is positive or negative, becomes your reality.

In other words, your thoughts create the reality you live in.

When embarking on a new adventure, do you sit and contemplate what might happen or be the end result?

Imagine you are planning a trip to Disney World. Do you spend time thinking about how you’re going […]


Why Get Your Thin On?

Why Get Your Thin On?

You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. ~ Marianne Williamson

I am tired of diets; how about you?

Don’t get me wrong; I am totally in love with the hCG Protocol. I find it a miracle. However, I have been around diets long enough to really understand and embrace the truth of something I tell my clients.

It’s not what you lose, but what you keep off that’s important.

Once we are successful in losing our excess pounds, the even bigger challenge becomes keeping it off. And for many of us, yo-yo dieting becomes […]
