Monthly Archives: January 2015

Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Quinoa is a pretty nifty whole food.

Technically speaking, quinoa is not a grain, although it looks, acts, tastes, feels, and behaves like one.  So if you are on a grain free diet … quinoa can find it’s way to your palate.

Quinoa is the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant … and by the way, those leaves are edible.

Its frequently called a grain because it is used and cooked like one, and is often called an Ancient Grain and a Wholegrain. These terms can make it confusing, but trust me, it is not a grain. It is a gluten free […]


Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

The one who asks questions doesn’t lose his way. ~ African Proverb

More than likely, you grew up thinking if you do the right things (went on a diet), you would have what you desired (a body weighing 120 pounds) and you would be the person you dreamed you’d become: (healthy, thin, happy, fun, loving, self-confident, empowered, etc).

Unfortunately, it is not a simple equation of do equals desired result. You are living proof that doing the so called right things don’t always lead to the coveted prize. Most of us work from a do-have-be mindset described in the first paragraph and […]
