Tagged: phase 4

Chicken Curry

Chicken Curry

If one were to look at my recipe index here, one would get the impression that I like curry.

That would be an understatement.  ::giggle::

My ex-husband didn’t like the smell or taste of curry … in fact, I couldn’t have it in the house as it made him feel nauseous.  So that means for about 15 years, I did without this wonderful spice.  I am more than making up for it now.  HA!

Curry is interesting as it’s […]


Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Quinoa is a pretty nifty whole food.

Technically speaking, quinoa is not a grain, although it looks, acts, tastes, feels, and behaves like one.  So if you are on a grain free diet … quinoa can find it’s way to your palate.

Quinoa is the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant … and by the way, those leaves are edible.

Its frequently called a grain because it is used and cooked like one, and is often called an Ancient Grain and a Wholegrain. These terms can make it confusing, but trust me, it is not a grain. It is a gluten free […]


Cranberry Salsa

Cranberry Salsa

Cranberries … they are usually only associated with holidays.  Sad really, because they are slightly divine.  Especially raw and not adulterated with all sorts of unknown sugars and processing that you find in a can of cranberry sauce.  ::giggle::

Here are some fun cranberry facts:

  • The cranberry is one of only a handful of major fruits native to North America.
  • Native Americans used cranberries to make a survival cake known as pemmican. They also used the fruit in poultices and dyes.
  • American recipes containing cranberries date from the early 18th Century.
  • During World War II, American troops required about one million pounds of dehydrated cranberries […]


Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

There are so many out there that have sworn off all grains … I am not part of that movement.  ::giggle::

I think there is a place for some grains, and this world has some healthy cultures for the most part, and they survive on some grains like rice and oats … so this is for those peeps that are not strictly grainless.

However, just like with anything else … there is good and there is not so much.  Whole foods are usually always good.  So that is why when I recommend oats to a client, I recommend only steel cut oats.

Steel-cut […]
