
Essential Oils Part 4

Essential Oils Part 4

Are all Essential Oils created the same?

Um, no.

There is a huge difference between that $30 three pack you can get at Bed, Bath and Beyond (made for just making things smell good) and the $100 bottle of pure Essential Oil (used to help you gain optimal health).

The next question then is this … is there a way to determine whether or not you are getting a genuine and quality product?

The answer is imperative to know as the real value to some of these Essential Oils is the need to take them internally, to allow the body to heal itself from […]


Essential Oils Part 3

Essential Oils Part 3

My apologies for the delay – right after the last post, my host performed an upgrade that went a little wonky and I haven’t wanted to post until it got all cleared up.  Looks like we are firing on all cylinders now, so off I go.

When I last left you, we were just about to discuss something called a healing crisis (through the use of essential oils).  Just for the record, this isn’t something that is just made up to help alternative practitioners explain certain symptoms when they are trying to help clients get better.  There is an actual scientific […]


Essential Oils Part 2

Essential Oils Part 2

What are Essential Oils exactly?

Most simply defined, they are the essences of plants.  If essences is too woo woo a word for you, then try the Wikipedia explanation:

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetherolea, or simply as the “oil of” the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is “essential” in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant.

They are the botanical extract of various […]


Essential Oils Part 1

Essential Oils Part 1

Back in December I decided to get certified in Natural Therapies using Essential Oils and Chinese Herbs.

Strike that, I have wanted to be certified for a long while, but in December I finally decided to take the plunge and get the job done.

The class was extensive, and the information provided was HUGE, quite mind boggling in fact.  It has taken me from then until early March to feel comfortable enough to share this new knowledge with my active clients.  There are a few that have been very willing to be my guinea pigs (HA!) and I have to say that […]


ONE Thing

ONE Thing

Reading a book at the moment, it’s called The ONE Thing.

I was turned on to this book by an online coaching class for business.  Finding out however, that this book is proving to be invaluable for much more than just my business.

My life for example.  ::giggle::

The concept of focusing on ONE thing is not new to me.  In fact, in my 1:1 coaching program, there is a specific day dedicated to achieving laser like focus in regards to our weight loss journey.

Often my clients get questioned from me on choosing ONE […]




High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. ~ Charles F. Kettering

In the personal development world, it is a given our expectations play a significant role in the outcomes we manifest in our lives.

The Law of Expectation contends whatever you expect with confidence, whether this is positive or negative, becomes your reality.

In other words, your thoughts create the reality you live in.

When embarking on a new adventure, do you sit and contemplate what might happen or be the end result?

Imagine you are planning a trip to Disney World. Do you spend time thinking about how you’re going […]


Why Get Your Thin On?

Why Get Your Thin On?

You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. ~ Marianne Williamson

I am tired of diets; how about you?

Don’t get me wrong; I am totally in love with the hCG Protocol. I find it a miracle. However, I have been around diets long enough to really understand and embrace the truth of something I tell my clients.

It’s not what you lose, but what you keep off that’s important.

Once we are successful in losing our excess pounds, the even bigger challenge becomes keeping it off. And for many of us, yo-yo dieting becomes […]


Support: The Power of Your Intentions

Support: The Power of Your Intentions

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

We hear a lot about setting intentions to have more success in our endeavors.

What exactly is intention? And how do you set it?

Let’s look at the literal definition of the word intention: an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.

Intention begins as a desire; becomes a thought you carry with you; and a focus to affect a life change.

While you might not have even been aware of it; in truth, you have been using intentions throughout your life. Your intentions have […]
