Monthly Archives: November 2012

Recipe: Apple Blue Cheese Salad

Recipe: Apple Blue Cheese Salad

Yeah. I am on a raw kick again. I don’t know why I fight it.

I just feel better every time I eat the bulk of my day in raw fruits and veggies. My goal right now it to eat at least a pound a day of raw food. I am not going nuts about it, but I am trying to keep it at a 60% veggie to 40% fruit ratio.

So lately, because my life seems to be all about overwhelm these days, I have started looking for recipes that have a pound of raw in the ingredients. If they don’t, […]


Recipe: Curry Chicken Soup

Recipe: Curry Chicken Soup


On P2, there is no other better meal.

It’s filling.  It’s easy.  It’s delish.

And curry?  Let’s not forget about the delish factor of this spice.  However, I do have to concede that people either hate it or love it.  My ex-husband totally hated it and couldn’t stand the smell so I never used it in the house.  If I wanted curry anything, I had to go elsewhere.  ::giggle::

This makes an unruly amount of soup.  It can actually be split into two servings, so you can eat one half for lunch, and then the other half for a mid-afternoon snack.  HA!


Curry Chicken […]


Support: Get Unstuck

Support: Get Unstuck

Every event in life can be causing only one of two things. Either it is good for you, or it is bringing up what you need to look at in order to create good for you. ~ Deepak Chopra

When I feel stuck, I feel like I am in quicksand.

Can you imagine it?

If you step into quicksand, what happens?  You start to sink. The sinking makes you panic, the panic makes you fight against it, fighting against it makes you sink faster and deeper.

Bear Grylls gives us a pretty good answer for getting unstuck.  You can see the answer in More

Support: What’s In a Word?

Support: What’s In a Word?

I have this thing about using negative words to describe positive circumstances.

In fact, you can ask any one of my clients about my preoccupation with any negative language in their daily check-ins … I sure do let them know about it.  ::giggle::

At a four-day seminar back in the mid-80s, I learned how the mind does not perceive language the way you project it to the world. Your mind’s ability to process words is based on a lot of vibrations, and when you use a negative word, you send out negative vibrations — whether you intend to […]


Recipe: P2 Taco Salad

Recipe: P2 Taco Salad

I call it a stall buster for P2.

No, not this salad per se, but this is one meal of the Stall Buster Routine.

When in a stall, this is my first line of defense. Now before I describe what the menu is for this stall buster, let me first explain what I consider a stall.  Even before that, let’s see what Dr. Simeons considers a stall:

The Plateau:

…the weight has been stationary for at least four days without any dietary error having been committed.

In my coaching, I am a little bit more liberal with my […]


Recipe: Avocado Feta Salad

Recipe: Avocado Feta Salad

Is it possible to be a avocado-holic? If so, I admit that I am powerless over avocados.


But seriously folks. What a wonderful piece of perfection an avocado is. It is my mainstay in the high fat diet. And when they are 10 for $10 at my local grocery store, well then, it’s time to fiddle with perfection!

Two qualities of avocados that I adore: high in potassium and lots of fiber!

This recipe is my mainstay on the high fat diet. I have this available whenever avocados are in season. LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe because in actuality, you can […]


Recipe: Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Portobello

Recipe: Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Portobello

There are days when I prefer just to go meatless.

In fact, not too long ago I was in the habit of doing Meatless Monday’s.  I did this because usually my weekends were a grilling fest and I had unhealthy amounts of protein and I just wanted to give my body a rest.

I have gotten out of that habit, but after sampling this recipe, I think I might just develop it once again.

This was beyond my normal yum factor.  It was so incredibly rich, I could barely finish it for dinner, but I made myself.  ::giggle::

Pair this with a simple salad […]


Recipe: Apple Chicken Slaw

Recipe: Apple Chicken Slaw

One thing I hear over and over again while I coach is this:

I need easy to make ahead meal ideas for P2.

Biz to the rescue!

This is one of those recipes that you can make the night before and it stays well for a day or more.  It’s an all in one meal so travels very well.  It takes only 5-10 minutes to prepare so you don’t have that excuse that something takes too long to make so I had to stop at a drive thru to eat.


Top it off?  It’s tasty!

And one more thing?  At my local Winn-Dixie […]
