Topic: Maintenance

Alone Again, Naturally

Alone Again, Naturally

If you can pick it, pluck it, milk it, or shoot it, you can eat it.  ~ Suzanne Somers

It is troubling to me when I hear something like this:

I think the most discouraging thing with Dr. Simeons’ theory is when he says you can go back to normal eating and still hold your weight does not seem to work out very well.

And yes, that is an actual client quote.

First, this person was correct. However, before starting to doubt the process, consider this:

Yes, it was Dr. Simeons’ “theory” that after the protocol it was feasible to return to “normal” eating. Remember, a […]


Almost Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics

Almost Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics

Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. ~ Daniel Boorstin

Just a decade ago, the words probiotics and were rare.  By now, while most have heard the words; all they really know is it has something to do with gut health.

Gut health.

Who knew digestion of food, our basic energy source, would be the prime focus in the total health world today?  More and more science is saying digestion, and in conjunction, elimination, are two of the most important body systems we can work on to achieve optimal health.

So what are probiotics and prebiotics and how can […]


Five Things to Remember About hCG Protocol Phase 3

Five Things to Remember About hCG Protocol Phase 3

Phase 3 (P3) is the critical time period following the hCG Protocol weight loss phase. The idea is to lock in weight loss by creating a stabilizing environment keeping one’s body within two pounds for three weeks thus establishing a new set point.

I want to emphatically emphasize Phase 3 is the most important segment of the protocol.


Too many disregard Phase 3 thinking they are done with eating strictly. However, without diligent careful Phase 3 observance, weight may be quickly re-gained as many return to their old way of eating. P3 is the vital transitional phase not only stabilizing one’s body, […]


Support: 9 Great Tips for a Successful P3

Support: 9 Great Tips for a Successful P3

For some of you that are new to the hCG Protocol, Phase 3 scares the LIFE out of you! No need to be scared. Just like with P2, preparation is the key – these tips will help you focus on your needs to your upcoming break. Make the most of it!

Tip #1 – Remember Your Body is Different Now

Every Phase 3 is different. Just because you did very well on one break does not mean that you will do very well on a subsequent one. Just a 5 – 10% loss of total body weight will […]


Support: Panera’s Hidden Menu

Support: Panera’s Hidden Menu

Hidden menus are nothing new.

In the old days, if you were a regular at some diner in your town, you knew you could order things that were not on the regular menu.  We just didn’t call it hidden menus back then.  Actually, I don’t remember what we called it, we just knew.

Nowadays many chain restaurants offer hidden menus to those patrons that are in the know.

I am probably one of the few on earth that never really liked Panera Bread.  Breads are not my weakness, so going to a restaurant that specializes in breads just wasn’t my thing.  However, with […]


Support: Maintaining

Support: Maintaining

Maintaining your weight is the most important part of the protocol because it’s the part that will be there for the rest of your life.

Dr. Simeons recommends maintaining your weight during every break you take until you reach your goal. In fact, he says to stay within two pounds of our last injection weight (LIW) during breaks. This window serves as your boundary during both phase 3 of the protocol (three weeks during which we refrain from eating sugars and starches) and phase 4 (without specific dietary restrictions).

Regardless of whether you are on a break or have reached your […]


Support: 5 Reasons That Might Surprise You On Why You Gain Weight (Despite Doing Everything RIGHT!)

Support: 5 Reasons That Might Surprise You On Why You Gain Weight (Despite Doing Everything RIGHT!)

It’s not the weight you lost that matters, it’s the weight you keep off. ~ Biz

It’s about time I started quoting myself.


We are going to talk about maintenance for a bit. As wonderful and as much a miracle as The hCG Protocol is, it’s nothing without maintenance.

For some, eating the way you do on P2 is just penance for being able to eat the way you REALLY want to on P3.

Many feel that after a round of P2, they can go back to the way they were eating before that round and by some miracle, their body is ok with […]


Support: My Top 9 Favorite High Fat Foods

Support: My Top 9 Favorite High Fat Foods

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction. ~ Winston Churchill

The world of high fat eating is only now becoming more and more acceptable after years and years of propaganda against anything with even just a trace of healthy fat.

It’s been almost 5 years since we ran the now famous (well, it’s famous in my own mind!) High Fat Experiment at HTA, and only recently do I see a ton of FAMOUS (low-carber) people willing to jump on this bandwagon.

The low carb community always knew the value of having MORE healthy fats in the diet, […]
