Tagged: bacon

Recipe: 80% Fat Breakfast – Bacon, Eggs, Avocados and Tomatoes with Spicy Mayonnaise

Recipe: 80% Fat Breakfast – Bacon, Eggs, Avocados and Tomatoes with Spicy Mayonnaise

Been working with a few clients lately (as guinea pigs!) to test a true ketogenic diet, which is at least 80% fat.

For some out there, it’s pretty easy to get your fats up to 65-70% – it’s that extra 10-15% that leaves them scratching their head.

If there is one thing I can do, and do well, is to manipulate a menu to meet requirements, no matter what it is.

There is a buzz right now all around the internet about being in nutritional ketosis, and using that as a way to either lose weight, or for some, just simply maintain when […]


Recipe: Mini Stuffed Peppers with Feta and Bacon

Recipe: Mini Stuffed Peppers with Feta and Bacon

Earlier this week I was caught without groceries, don’t you hate when that happens?  You have to get creative, especially when you don’t like grocery shopping as it stands.  HA!

These were really delish, and I have to say I prefer them cold as an appetizer rather than a meal (which is how I ate them!) – so this would be a great dish to take to a gathering.

The recipe calls for using frozen chopped spinach, but I had a bag of spinach that needed to be used up, so I chopped that up instead.

Mini Peppers Stuffed with Feta and […]


Recipe: Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Portobello

Recipe: Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Portobello

There are days when I prefer just to go meatless.

In fact, not too long ago I was in the habit of doing Meatless Monday’s.  I did this because usually my weekends were a grilling fest and I had unhealthy amounts of protein and I just wanted to give my body a rest.

I have gotten out of that habit, but after sampling this recipe, I think I might just develop it once again.

This was beyond my normal yum factor.  It was so incredibly rich, I could barely finish it for dinner, but I made myself.  ::giggle::

Pair this with a simple salad […]


Recipe: Basic Quiche

Recipe:  Basic Quiche

This recipe is officially in the Good Food Hunting eBook.  I don’t mind sharing it here as this recipe is a pretty basic recipe that can be found anywhere on the internet when looking for something that is low carb friendly.  The trick however is how to make it HIGH FAT!

So, take a look at the picture.  This is usually how I turn any protein heavy meal into something that is considered higher fat.  Add avocado, oil, and sour cream!  ::giggle::

This recipe is so versatile.  You can pretty much empty your refrigerator of […]


Recipe: Deviled Eggs Biz Style

Recipe: Deviled Eggs Biz Style

Who doesn’t like deviled eggs?

Did you know that in the south it is almost mandatory to own some sort of deviled egg platter?

Every gathering you go to has some sort of deviled egg concoction.  These however leave all the other recipes you have in the dust.  These are quite simply put, just awesome.

Just an FYI … do you know why they are called “deviled”?

Evidently the term “deviled” first appeared around 1786 (in print) and it was used to describe a dish that was either fried or boiled and that was highly seasoned.  By the 1800’s, “deviled” evolved […]
