Tagged: Dr Simeons

Chicken Taco Salad

Chicken Taco Salad

This recipe is for P2, or if you are on the Mix It Up Experiment, it can be for Stage 1 or 3 (add sour cream) … it’s a variation of the recipe for Taco Salad.

Salads are one of my mainstays while on P2 … they are so portable … don’t need any heating up, and you can make it ahead of time (night before) and throw it in a cooler when you are ready to go.

I have gotten into the habit lately of chopping a lot of salad veggies and […]


Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Mock Fried Rice (Quinoa!)

Quinoa is a pretty nifty whole food.

Technically speaking, quinoa is not a grain, although it looks, acts, tastes, feels, and behaves like one.  So if you are on a grain free diet … quinoa can find it’s way to your palate.

Quinoa is the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant … and by the way, those leaves are edible.

Its frequently called a grain because it is used and cooked like one, and is often called an Ancient Grain and a Wholegrain. These terms can make it confusing, but trust me, it is not a grain. It is a gluten free […]


Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

The one who asks questions doesn’t lose his way. ~ African Proverb

More than likely, you grew up thinking if you do the right things (went on a diet), you would have what you desired (a body weighing 120 pounds) and you would be the person you dreamed you’d become: (healthy, thin, happy, fun, loving, self-confident, empowered, etc).

Unfortunately, it is not a simple equation of do equals desired result. You are living proof that doing the so called right things don’t always lead to the coveted prize. Most of us work from a do-have-be mindset described in the first paragraph and […]


Be the Captain of Your Own Ship

Be the Captain of Your Own Ship

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. ~ William G.T. Shedd

Sometimes it is wise to go with the flow.

The crux is it depends on which direction the flow is going.

While there are numerous examples of going with the flow, let’s consider the one involving our weight control journey. If we are going with the typical American diet flow, we are on our way to becoming obese, living a sedentary life, and then dying of either heart disease, cancer, diabetes or some sort of obesity associated illness.

Ask yourself if this is the result you are […]


Support: Stay Dedicated to Your Dreams

Support: Stay Dedicated to Your Dreams

Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. ~ Cecil B. De Mille

Many people believed Thomas Edison to be stupid and that he had below average intelligence.

Albert Einstein failed math. Many people thought he would never be able to grasp the basics.

Abraham Lincoln lost eight elections in his political career before finally winning the presidential election.

These three well-known men changed the world because they refused to take no for an answer; even when the […]


Recipe: Broccoli Crunch

Recipe: Broccoli Crunch

I am going to start this recipe off with a warning.


That is all.  ::giggle::

But seriously.

If you are going to make these for P2, keep in mind that if you choose to eat the entire recipe, it will take up 1/3 of your allowed calories using The Biz Buzz Method (The First Step).  But oh my goodness, is it worth it!

There are two tricks with this particular recipe.

One is to make sure each and every piece is small (like the piece on the right of the picture) – the smaller they are, the more crunchy it gets, and then […]


hCG Success: Diane

hCG Success: Diane

[Biz] is Superwoman to me!

I first discovered Coach Biz and the HTA forums several years ago when I first started using hCG. I lost quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time, then drifted away, stopped checking in on the forums, and the weight quickly came back with a vengeance (and more). I thought I could handle everything myself, but without direction or accountability, I was lost.

When I finally decided enough was enough, I didn’t think of going anywhere other than Coach Biz for guidance, but this time I did it right: I signed up for one […]


hCG Success: Carmen

hCG Success: Carmen

I was going to do whatever it took to make Biz my coach!

I was first introduced to hCG several years ago via my Gynecologist.  hCG worked great for me to get the weight OFF but after several rounds of being unable to stabilize, it was discouraging to say the least!

I had thought about coaching with Biz for a long time before I made the decision to enlist her help.  I decided that 2013 was my year. I was going to do whatever it took to make Biz my coach. 🙂

It was one of the best decisions that I have made […]
